Hello Polycount!
over the course of two months I have worked on and off on an animation short for my portfolio. All the graphics are made by me, the audio by someone else.
https://vimeo.com/80928919 (if the player doesn't work)
Mostly trying to learn from this, I'd love some comments and criticism.
Thanks a lot for watching!
I would say the biggest thing you need to work on is showing weight. Right now both of these characters feel the same, even though one is a big lumbering robot and the other is a tiny one they both feel the same in their movement. Also the fact that the ropes did not deform really bothered me, i know its a little thing, but its the little things and attention to detail that is going to make your work awesome!
Keep up the hard work man!
Sweet ambition going for the full 2 minute movie. Depending on where you are looking to go with your 'folio the concept of a movie can be real slick, camera movement, framing, composition, lighting, and solid animation can be the full 9 yards.
However downside is that if one of these attributes isn't up to the standard of quality of the rest, it can quickly detract from the work as a whole.
Cglewis already pointed out the weight, which I agree with, but for me the most pressing matter at hand is the camerawork and framing of the shots. The quick cuts and fast paced camera work really muddles the animation, making it harder to read.
Overall tho the concept for the short is really cool, and most importantly the work you put into the short shows and it is impressive in it's own right.
So good work, and keep on keeping on
I'll most certainly do some more study on weigth and camera work!
I never really worked with framing before, so I'm sure there's some things I can do to improve that!
And you're absolutely right about the weigth as well. I think I forgot a bit about the character continuity because the amount of work was a bit overwhelming.
Thanks again for the feedback!
What you might want to try, instead of a ambitious 2 min short, start small, do a walk cylce and post it up on here, that way it somthing you can do quick and get feedback on quickly thus shortening your learning curve!
Good luck man, cant wait to see more!
this is some older work. It was just one character, so it was a bit less overwhelming.
I'll look up some other animations I've done.
Would be very happy to receive feedback on this too!
again the biggest thing would be weight transfer, right now in all your animations it cycles nicely but there is no bob or weight distrubution side to side, think of walking what is it really...a controlled fall, where you fallling a catching your self with each step you make
also you need to really exaggerate every motion you do make huge arcs motions that the eye can follow
Squash and stretch if a charactor is jumping then you really want to show to squash right before he jumps then at the apex really show that stretch even if its for a a couple frames
It helps if you act it out your self to get a feel for the animation
one last thing the run cycle in the video doesnt cycle its almost like a leap then stop leap then stop, it needs to be like your walk cylce in tearms of how the walk cycle flowed
Good start though! keep it pu man!