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My proposal game!

polycounter lvl 8
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Fink polycounter lvl 8

Hi there, my name is Robert Fink.

I think I have a pretty unique story that I would like to shout out from the top of mountain, this mountain being the internet. This is the story of how I proposed to my woman friend of three years this last August 9th, 2013.

With the help of my awesome friends Ryan (Programmer) and Jack (Music) I made a small video game to propose to my lady, and disguised it as a play test for a game my work was making. The word “small” is used to describe the length of the game, but it didn’t take a “small” amount of time or work, creating my vision for the perfect proposal.

Given, there are some bugs still, and it was a tough journey getting the Moai webplayer working to make the game playable in browser, much hard work from my friend Ryan. I just wanted to get to it because I am so excited for what people think about our story! haha.

You can read the whole story and even play the game at

We made this website some time after the proposal to share with the world. My fiance is a talented web developer and I a game artist, so this was a fun project to work on with her. We want to share our experiences and maybe inspire others to go above expectations to do something spectacular for their loved ones.

Stay Creative!


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