Fun stuff! I'd love to see you tighten up some of your forms with your stylized work. Right now a lot of your organic edges read very similarly and it can kind of read a little mushy. Proportions are great though. Loving how far you're pushing stuff. Keep it up!
Digital Sculpt miniature Pinup Order Knight I’ve worked in 2015 for
awesome Kingdom Death, a Boutique Board Game project from Adam Poots.
The miniature is about 30mm tall in hard plastic.
* Credits: Direct by Adam Poots. Concept art of Lokman Lam.
* Sword sculpt was done by another artist and the 3D print files
were prepared by the team at Kingdom Death. I was in charge of Digital
Sculpt only.
Waauw this thread is truly a place of in depth learning and inspiration! You make a lot of cool stuff (in not so a lot of time) in a clever way and with great attention for aesthetics... The breakdowns are very much appreciated. Thanks man!
I was lucky to participate in this fun project in 2013, I done modeling and hand-painted texturing of 20 low-poly characters, following an already established style. Concept arts done by © Angry Mob Games.
More images and info here!
Check it out the Toysburgs official page!
More info & breakdown images here!
Based on the awesome concept by Max Grecke.
A quick breakdown in how to apply transparency mask in Zbrush into a mesh. Might be useful for quick tests or preview some torn clothes in planes.
Keep it up
Based on the awesome concept art of Max Grecke.
More info and breakdown images
You are one of the most talented people we've ever had the chance to work with! Keep on ~
@dreppan: Thanks so much Scott! It was really great experience to work with you in your projects!:)
More sketches here!
You can check this project here!
Based on the concept art of Nathan Gordon.
Based on the awesome concept art by Max Grecke.
Based on the awesome concept art by Max Grecke.
Yeah, I'll put the Akuma and Ryu together when I finish them both.
Marvin the Martian: Fan Art.
Fan Art project I've done to study about 3D modeling and texturing workflows for production.
Concept art by Warner Bros.
More info and images here
Real-time 3D model. Project done during the workshop with Danilo Athayde.
+ More high-res images and breakdowns here!
+ Based and inspired on the concept art of Gilles Ketting.
Breakdown images
Wire-frame: low-poly
* Kingdom Death web store:
Digital Sculpt miniature Pinup Order Knight I’ve worked in 2015 for awesome Kingdom Death, a Boutique Board Game project from Adam Poots.
The miniature is about 30mm tall in hard plastic.
* Credits: Direct by Adam Poots. Concept art of Lokman Lam.
3D renders* Sword sculpt was done by another artist and the 3D print files were prepared by the team at Kingdom Death. I was in charge of Digital Sculpt only.
* Based on concept of Anthony Jones:
Time-lapse video.
Link to high-res image.
@carvuliero I use this "Zbro" matcap material for the eyes.
To this day I still find your knight character to be as good as any I've seen.
Thanks for those process/workflow images, as well! Such good reference.
The breakdowns are very much appreciated. Thanks man!
Here an attempt of study of likeness, Henry Cavill.
Thanks André Lopes for great feedback and tips, he helped me improve a lot in this study!
Link to high-res image.