
Hey Guys in my spare time while not working I have been making a couple of environment projects. I figured I start a thread for one of them as it is getting to a good place where I can showcase it. As a load of Artists at work are making Star Wars Environments at the moment I thought I would jump on the train and start making Sebulba's Podracer,the plan is also to make a diorama desert environment to pose it in.
Here is the high poly as it stands now which is pretty close to finished but it needs some more work on the front piping as each side is unique. Once I have finished with this I will be making the low poly and moving onto texturing. The plan is to render this ready for PBR which once all the materials are set up should look really sweet.
I also made a start on the Terrain (Ignore Scaling as it just for test purposes) which it will be posed in once its all finished. I plan on making a couple of tileable terrain textures and some nice rocks that I can place around the immediate area of the ship. I am also thinking about a possible crashed spinning through the air image but depending on how well the in tact version goes. Let us know what you think. Crits more than welcome

In all seriousness that's pretty sweet, looking forward to seeing what you'll do with the textures and how you're going to get the dusty paint feeling of the original
@Chris89 Ironic considering you are leaving this feedback while also at work! Cheers man I appreciate the positive feedback, Yer texturing is the funnest part so I am really looking forward to nailing those materials, the real life models have such nice details which will work perfectly with PBR in mind. Scorch marks and paint chips etc. Hopefully will get it close to finished over Christmas if I have enough time
I actually thought of doing Anakin's pod, might attempt it someday in the future
Finished Baking and Cleaning up onto texturing now
Good Job! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
@lotet: I did make an emissive for the engine but took it out cause I couldn't get it to look right. I am going to try snd get it in engine so I can add that and a electric vfx to connect the two engines
@Gannon: Ha ha what did you want to know specifically. I can try and provide some answers to any questions you have?
@Crazy_pixel: Its roughly 100k at the moment cause I modelled a lot of the pipes on the engine as they bend round sections so couldn't bake them. The pipes are about half the polycount :P. The textures are 2048 one for engine and one for cab. Then there is a seperate pipe sheet which is 2048 by 1024
Let me know if you have any questions. Critique always welcome
Also Re-rendered the pod on a basic background with no effect like DOF
Let me know what you guys think
Podracer and rocks looking awesome as well!
I'll definitely keep an eye on this!
AkiRa: Cheers man, Yer everything is pretty rough and at blockout stage atm especially the town itself. Still got a lot of work to do to try and blend the terrain and rocks a bit more.
Here are some shot
Can we see the Podracer a little closer in Cry?
Killer work, totally making me want to go back to podracer 64 and cry.
The ground looks so much better with Cryengine than with UE4. Is the only difference between the UE4 and Cryengine version of the ground texture the POM (or one of the other displacement methods that Cryengine has)?
@Skamander: Yer its just POM in Cryengine, I could have done the same tessellation in UDk but I didn't get round to it before switching the engines.
So here is a bit of a checklist of things I plan on doing next. Let me know if there is anything else you think I should add?
I also did plan on making a town, you can see the blockouk in ue4 shots but I am thinking of cutting it cause I don't feel like its needed. I tend to have a habbit of trying to do to much. what do you guys think?
B-u-t if critics are permitted, sebulba's pod racer ain't really a head turner, with all the talent displayed here, why not have something more suitable for your level ?
@peanut™; Crits are of course permitted
Cheers everyone
I Baked an AO and Normal from the high poly in max as a starting point to get the majority of the information to work from. I then started defining material presets in substance designer for all the materials, such as a cloudy plastic, more shiny plastic, metal paint etc. These were assigned to a colour map (also baked from Max) to get a really solid base for the materials. I added some subtle wear and tear, such as some material changed in substance and exported out these textures as a base. I then set up a seperate DDo document to rip some masks from and combined over the top of the existing maps from substance. I then combine some masks I had made using Substance painted to generate streaks and burns on the top.
As Mentioned I will write this up properly with some pictures etc when I am done with the project so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Cheers for all the positive comments and feedback
I will be writing up the texturing breakdown I have been promising now so keep tuned for that