Here's just a little update with the pillars and wall trimming thrown in. I also added a little bevel around the edges where the floor surface meets the lower wall areas. Also made some quick specular maps for the scene which I feel has helped break up the scene a little more due to light bouncing, etc.
Current objectives before next update:
- Texture pillars near throne and retopo these as well.
- Model out center floor.
- Create bricks from texture sheets to break up room even more.
Hey all, finished up the back room pillars and revised the royal carpet a bit.
Also went in and made meshes for each of the bricks for the walls, lower walls, center floor, and base floor and placed them in the scene. I don't think my current lighting setup is enough for you to see them pop though. It's mainly the lower wall area that I don't think you can see a difference with currently.
Here is everything in the scene together:
I also went in and made some really simple rubble from the texture I used for the inner parts of the front pillars, and placed them throughout the scene. The main wall texture is still bugging me and I feel like it just isn't working but I think it's best to leave it alone for now until everything else is in order.
Goals for next update:
- Revise shield and crest props - place them in the scene.
- Do something with the ceiling area!
- Tapestry.
Feedback is always welcome, thank you for looking! :poly142:
this is absolutely stunning. I personally would like to see it a tad bit brighter. I know that its meant to be dark with an eery green light, but that doesn't mean the rest of it needs be extremely dark. it would also help us seem some more of the details too.
Hi! Still working towards another room update with the ceiling area complete and lighting fixed, but thought I would show just a couple of things I've worked on in the meantime:
This is awesome, and from my fav disney as well. A thought though, wouldn't it be better to raise the ceiling a whole lot, like double the height. It seems a tad low, and I don't remember seeing it a whole lot in the movie if at all.
As you can tell Andy you're working wonders on the textures, sadly in the WIP screens they are disappearing into the background due to the lighting but thats just due to the rough setup.
Apart from that just keep doing what you are doing and i'll sit back and wait for the awesome results.
@Edrice - I agree with you regarding the ceiling and am looking in to what I could do with it. I don't think it is very visible at all in the movie, but there has to be something to hang tapestry on! I put together some reference of some ceilings that could probably work and my current goal is to get that sorted out before the next update. I'd like to somehow connect the pillars to the ceiling - also including wood would be great for some material variation because there is just so much stone going on...
@Di$array - Thanks for the feedback! I feel like lighting is a very deceiving thing and it's certainly going to be something that I'll need to tackle in order for this scene to come together. Maybe the room could be a bit brighter, especially in the foreground?
how are u creating these textures? sculpt and bake? or just pure handpainted
Also interested to know what method you are using when texturing as they are coming out very clean. The progress makes me think they are hand painted though.
@Iciban, Apewall - Sorry for taking long to get back to you guys! Everything is pretty much a mix of what I feel helps the situation. Tapestries were photo referenced and just lots of painting to push shapes, edges, etc. Shields were a very basic viewport grab from Zbrush and painted over. Carpet was 100% hand painted. Pretty much all the tileables so far have been done using Zbrush -> Hand painting. Recent sewage drainage is just a very simple AO baked in 3D Coat and just hand painting. I try to think about what methods will help the outcome of the specific asset the most before beginning it. I wish I could say I had some method that I use for *everything*, but it's all been a lot of experimenting. :poly142: For the most part, the more soft and painterly I want an asset to be, the more I back away from doing any sculpting or baking.
Progress has slowed down a bit and I'm about to disappear from my computer for a week but in the meantime, here are some wall variations I fixed up (I promise this will help with finishing off the ceiling). I felt like the previous wall texture I finished with was just too overbearing. The repeating elements were also kind of bad because well... There was only one version of the wall. So with that being said, I made 3 versions that just transition in to each other. Also, saying goodbye to the lower wall texture. Overall, I don't think it fits with the style of everything else.
It's looking great mate, I just went through the whole thread and it's fascinating to watch it evolve, when you're finished, and if you have time I'd love to see a write up or a making of for your process with all your posts here collated.
In terms of criticism, At the moment the only thing I'd really say is that it's starting to look a bit muddy and with little or no colour variation it's starting to lose visual interest. Now I respect it's still WIP and I think a lot of this will come when you tweak the lighting and incorporate the purples and blues.
To that end I'd suggest the next time you do an in engine test that you chuck in your purple light and fill out some of the shadows, as we're losing detail as it's a touch on the dark side atm and seeing that contrast will really start to bring the piece together.
Also I'd suggest introducing some colour variation into the textures themselves, I understand that you want to bring that variation in with the light but even so you want that variation interacting with your eventual lighting setup. Of course too much bespoke variation wouldn't work with tiling textures either but even so the fairly uniform browns are too muddy and lack impact, which is a shame because the actually texture work is of supreme quality.
Anyway, I really look forward to seeing the final thing, you've chosen a great bit of source material and you're knocking it right out of the park.
@ArtUnitFive - Thanks so much for the feedback! I can see what you are saying about things getting muddy. It's a tricky scene lighting wise because of how dominant the green light is over everything. I'll definitely do another render of the scene before I go back to the walls again. I haven't pushed tons of color in to the textures at the moment (except the purple pieces), only because I'm afraid of all of the color being drowned out in the end. I think the carpet is an indication that things aren't necessarily being lost in the colored lighting (although I agree, everything's pretty dark at the moment). It will still help overall to have more color variation so this will be something I'll work on. I agree about getting the lighting fixed up, because it's going to influence the direction of the rest of the textures at this point. I appreciate your suggestions to the lighting and will see how I can incorporate them!
When I get the scene wrapped up, I will look in to doing a summary of everything.
The isolated textures look pretty neat, but they lack some large scale hue variation that we can see on the original reference... Also I think you'd benefit from using trims where the walls meet the floors etc. and a different floor/staircase texture with a slight value difference and bigger slabs That'd help define shapes better and avoid the muddy look.
Keep it going!
I've always checked back on this project when trolling around, simply because I think you've got some awesome texture flats, and short of Disney Infinity, I can't think of many current 3d reconstructions of great disney scenes
So I love this project.
You're strongest asset it seems is your ability to make some nice textures, but I fear, at least in the latest full scenes that your lighting is soooo dark, and your textures are all very dark as well. In the orginal reference the lighting is fairly bright, with yellows and blues and deep purple shadows. Your greens should probably be in your stone a bit more, with a gradient going from bottom to top, but this would have to be tiled strictly sideways.
Anyways, I don't know exactly how you're lighting is set up, but I'd look into it and work that out to get a better understanding of where to take the textures. Right now I think they "LOOK" great, but you need to nail the mood to know if they will "WORK" in the entire scene.
I only say this cause your flats are nice, and the lighting doesn't do your painting justice.
@fonfa, Stockwell - Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. I'll be keeping everything you guys have suggested in mind moving forward!
@Dethling - Lots of practice and just study what others have done. The more you look and analyze, the more you can see how a style is built. In the end, just keep doing lots of work!
I'm back from my little vacation and I'm ready to get things rolling again. I found some HD screencaps of Sleeping Beauty, which has helped with showing some details I didn't see before in the first reference round up. I did a little paint over to soften the details of the scene so I could see how the light blends easily.
I noticed the scene uses yellow hues on one side and then transitions in to yellow greens with hints of really cold blues on the other for lighting. There's also some subtle purple lights on the backside of some areas which makes them even more sinister looking. Keeping all of this in mind, I tried to bring the colors together and match it to the screencap.
Another thing to make note is that Disney seems to use "pools of light". There aren't really any light sources in the scene that would be providing what we can see, but the objective is to draw the eye in at points of interest. This is explained here too.
Anywho, that's my little update for now. Hopefully more very soon!
Great project, been watching it develop and really love the texture work!
For your lighting, make sure to add impact with your values. There's an evenness to your current lighting that makes everything washy, unrealistic, and a bit bland. Let your light make impact and dissipate over a distance. Looks like the hottest splash is at the throne itself and it fades off into the center and out of frame. While the pool of light theory is a good reference, it's still executed realistically. I felt that all 3 of the images in your link have a source off screen. Your lighting feels like there's floating point lights splashing tons of information everywhere.
What if there's a green stained glass window above the throne? This would explain the strong lighting (and saturation) and the directionality of the falloff. Maybe try a spotlight first, really nail the focal light and then come in with some complimentary fills.
Also, watch your saturation levels. Try for some focal saturation. Value won't do all the work for you. Hit the throne area with a nice punchy green and let it fade to those softer yellows and even into the browns as it disperses through the scene. Those mysterious purples coming in from the door frames will compliment those soft yellowy browns as well, just don't push them too hard.
I agree with what fonfa said also but I'd like to add to it a little.
Try playing with the amount of contrast in some of the bricks in areas like the center pit. The screen shot of the scene shows very few details and is almost just a flat color which helps bring the focus back toward the throne.
I'd totally recommend creating a second version of the same texture with a lower amount of contrast. Then vertex color blend it into areas to help soften the composition and drive the eye.
You could add vertex color to bring in some of the hue variation on a larger scale, like the back wall just to the right of the collapsing pillar in the center of the shot.
For lighting you could just copy your lightmap UVs into your first UV set and export out the scene into 3DCoat or Zbrush and retouch lighting rather than trying to leave it all at the mercy of max lights. You should be able to quickly iterate the lighting this way and get a very painterly look.
So, long time no update! I've been helping a friend with a game and this unfortunately put Maleficent's Throne Room on a little break. I'm happy to be back working on the project again and I'm determined to see it finished!
@Xaragoth - Thanks for the feedback, I actually went and saw the new movie. It was pretty decent and had some pretty good CGI. Still will always love the original Disney animation though.
@Endfinity Jon - Looking at the previous render, I see what you are saying and will definitely be looking in to more natural fall off with the lighting. You totally figured out my current lighting setup (it really is a bunch of point lights everywhere...), and I will changing this ASAP.
@Gannon - Thanks so much for the feedback, I will be playing around with vertex color/texturing to add some variation and to add some more focus to the scene!
For now, I leave a very small texture update. A revised version of a previous tapestry and a center tapestry piece to go over the throne. I'm excited to get back in to this project again and am looking forward to finishing it! :poly142:
I like what you've painted for your drapery Andy. I like the gradient style of lighting that you have in the texture that has the single drape. The texture that has multiple drapes on it feels flatter in comparison. It doesn't seem to have as strong of a light source.
@turpedo - Thank you for the feedback! I went back and punched out the tapestry folds a little more and gave it a little more of a gradient as suggested:
Happy to post a pretty decent update!
First, I decided to go in and model out some ceiling pieces to make the room feel like it... Actually has a ceiling. :poly141: By doing so, I went in and added some material contrast to the scene with wood planks/beams:
Where the ceiling area connects to the pillars, I also went in and made some little metal accents to give some more contrast between the stone and wood. Also increased the saturation of the tapestry/carpet some more and got them all placed out.
I learned vertex painting (had to rebuild the walls to do so, but it was inevitable) which has helped a lot with breaking up the scene and setting a focal point. I just made a simple stucco texture and layered it over the main brick texture. I tried it out on the low center area bricks and liked the results too. Placed out the shields too and sewage drains. Finally, I got rid of the puke lighting and cooked up something a little more pleasing to look at:
My thoughts and what I want to get done before next update:
- New lighting is very cold and I kind of like it for the purpose of the scene itself. It still doesn't hit what the original background does though.
- Shields stand out too much.
- Proportions of archways are off. Back room in general is still not close enough to the reference image.
- Need to rebuild hallways (this is due to converting previous walls to vertex painting).
- Need to open up drainage area.
- Maybe make one variation of the floor?
- Get the wall decor in the back painted!
- Improve lighting still.
- Look into field of view.
Leaving that sneaky throne in the back for one of the last things I do before final renders. Critiques always appreciated! Thanks for looking! :poly142:
How did I miss this so far?
Wow Andy, this is amazing stuff. Your textures are so well done, this is going to be all about lighting the scene properly and you'll have that solid portfolio piece for sure .
Regarding the field of view and matching the perspective of the concept...I don't know whether it's too late, but have you tried using 3DSMax's Perspective Match tool?
Can't wait to see more, keep going!
Still feel like the lighting needs to be brighter the tone, and colors are fine. builds a nice atmosphere. but I just can't help but feel like its still too dark. not too much though, only slightly.
Aside from the lighting, maybe add some red in there somewhere. like some jewels on the ground to add contrast to the scene.
@Elod.H - Thank you! I went and took a look at the Perspective Tool after reading your reply to see what it was all about. Fortunately it can work in a pre-existing scene, but I think it is better used when first constructing a project. There is something fishy going on with the perspective of the image (and I could be wrong), but I feel like it has something to do with the film format that the movie was originally made on. Sleeping Beauty was from what I've read, filmed on 35mm and 70mm film. I think this has a pretty big effect on the backgrounds due to how wide they can go. I tried a 35mm camera format and then also adjusted it to 70mm and just couldn't seem to get the existing geometry to align. Due to how the front of the room is rendered in the original background image, I think there's some perspective rules that may not be followed (but again, I could be totally wrong). I'll keep messing with the layout to see what I can improve.
@luge - Thanks for the feedback! I do agree that some more contrast would be good, but I'm hesitant to mess with what the purple tapestry and carpet provides to the scene. Maybe some really old and dusty orbs that have fallen out of their holders?
- Tweaked lighting just a tad
- Shields darkened
- Sewage revised and tunnels/pipes built
- Back archway removed for now (will be replaced with one closer to reference)
- Throne area widened
- Back pillars adjusted
- Fixed back faces of tapestries (now appear to take more shadow info)
- Carpet length adjusted
- Minor tweaks to floor area
- New cracked/dirty floor variation
- Minor vertex painting
Lighting setup is still being a pain and I'm now kind of feeling lost with where to go with it. Assets to complete before next update:
- Throne archway
- Possibly revise exit archways
Any additional critiques regarding lighting would be really appreciated! Thanks for looking!
Just jumping in w my thoughts (didn't read all the pages)
What you have so far is great !
nice style to the texture work, you've really nailed it IMO.
The lighting as you said is still WIP.
From the image you posted in Post#77, i feel you shouldn't have the 'greenish' lights, i suggest orange glow. you've already have a ton of green tones in your scene already.
I think its coming along... still needs that contrast. I do think dusty orbs would work. Just something from a warmer color palette to try to bring it together better.
I really like the concept and the work so far. I tone down the saturation of the textures and overlay a orange hue. Having light rays cast towards the throne helps to give direction to the viewers. Also, I add a coupe of torches next to the archway to brighten ups those areas and give a rim light to the columns. Finally, having a subtle light source in the center builds up a story. Maybe Maleficent is seated at the throne about to decide the fate of a miserable soul laying on the lower floor. Something like that.
Are you vertex painting with a blend mask? Looks really uniform now, I feel like it could use a little bit more love. Looks awesome otherwise. Keep it up!
@Mistry10 - Thank you for the suggestions! After reading your reply I tried some very quick color tests (and also brightened up the room overall):
Both renders use an orange point light located at the ceiling, #1 has a less saturated orange though. Both have a spotlight aimed at the throne, #1 being closer to a green, #2 being a light blue. Not a final lighting setup, but does help balance the colors a bit in the scene. I'm going to keep tweaking them!
@luge - Yeah, I think the lighting and how it's interacting with the textures is going to be the biggest road block at this point. :poly127:
@EdGaray - Woah, thanks for the cool paint over! It's given me some ideas regarding where to take the mood of the scene. Much appreciated! Adding some story to the scene would help push it a little further for sure.
@ClusterOne - Hey thanks! No blend mask at the moment, but the stucco could use it to break up the bricks some more.
Okay - it's becoming very clear that the lighting for this place can go many ways and I think I'm going to try some different moods out with swapped color palettes. :poly142:
I just now found this thread ... NICE! I'd second the help EdGaray gave with his paint over. Don't stop until the lighting compliments all the good work you've done.
@DireWolf - Hm, I'll play around with the tiling of the bricks to see if I can get something that may help with the scale of the room. Thanks for the feedback!
@ScottMichaelH - Thank you! Will be putting a lot of work in to the next lighting update.
Sculpts that have been baked down for the archways:
1796 Tris together, basically a combination of AO, EDT and EMB cavity maps. Base color and then a lighten layer to give the shadows more of a purple hue. Do not worry, punchy colors and all that fun stuff are on the way! :poly122:
Here's just a little update with the pillars and wall trimming thrown in. I also added a little bevel around the edges where the floor surface meets the lower wall areas. Also made some quick specular maps for the scene which I feel has helped break up the scene a little more due to light bouncing, etc.
Current objectives before next update:
- Texture pillars near throne and retopo these as well.
- Model out center floor.
- Create bricks from texture sheets to break up room even more.
Thanks for looking!
Also went in and made meshes for each of the bricks for the walls, lower walls, center floor, and base floor and placed them in the scene. I don't think my current lighting setup is enough for you to see them pop though. It's mainly the lower wall area that I don't think you can see a difference with currently.
Here is everything in the scene together:
I also went in and made some really simple rubble from the texture I used for the inner parts of the front pillars, and placed them throughout the scene. The main wall texture is still bugging me and I feel like it just isn't working but I think it's best to leave it alone for now until everything else is in order.
Goals for next update:
- Revise shield and crest props - place them in the scene.
- Do something with the ceiling area!
- Tapestry.
Feedback is always welcome, thank you for looking! :poly142:
Can't wait for another update!
That's all for now, thanks for looking!
joking aside lol, those textures look gorgeous man, keep it up.
Progress continues, but here's just a peak at the sewer drainage area.
Apart from that just keep doing what you are doing and i'll sit back and wait for the awesome results.
@Di$array - Thanks for the feedback! I feel like lighting is a very deceiving thing and it's certainly going to be something that I'll need to tackle in order for this scene to come together.
Also interested to know what method you are using when texturing as they are coming out very clean. The progress makes me think they are hand painted though.
@Evolvyn - Haha, thank you!
Progress has slowed down a bit and I'm about to disappear from my computer for a week but in the meantime, here are some wall variations I fixed up (I promise this will help with finishing off the ceiling). I felt like the previous wall texture I finished with was just too overbearing. The repeating elements were also kind of bad because well... There was only one version of the wall. So with that being said, I made 3 versions that just transition in to each other. Also, saying goodbye to the lower wall texture. Overall, I don't think it fits with the style of everything else.
In terms of criticism, At the moment the only thing I'd really say is that it's starting to look a bit muddy and with little or no colour variation it's starting to lose visual interest. Now I respect it's still WIP and I think a lot of this will come when you tweak the lighting and incorporate the purples and blues.
To that end I'd suggest the next time you do an in engine test that you chuck in your purple light and fill out some of the shadows, as we're losing detail as it's a touch on the dark side atm and seeing that contrast will really start to bring the piece together.
Also I'd suggest introducing some colour variation into the textures themselves, I understand that you want to bring that variation in with the light but even so you want that variation interacting with your eventual lighting setup. Of course too much bespoke variation wouldn't work with tiling textures either but even so the fairly uniform browns are too muddy and lack impact, which is a shame because the actually texture work is of supreme quality.
Anyway, I really look forward to seeing the final thing, you've chosen a great bit of source material and you're knocking it right out of the park.
When I get the scene wrapped up, I will look in to doing a summary of everything.
Keep it going!
So I love this project.
You're strongest asset it seems is your ability to make some nice textures, but I fear, at least in the latest full scenes that your lighting is soooo dark, and your textures are all very dark as well. In the orginal reference the lighting is fairly bright, with yellows and blues and deep purple shadows. Your greens should probably be in your stone a bit more, with a gradient going from bottom to top, but this would have to be tiled strictly sideways.
Anyways, I don't know exactly how you're lighting is set up, but I'd look into it and work that out to get a better understanding of where to take the textures. Right now I think they "LOOK" great, but you need to nail the mood to know if they will "WORK" in the entire scene.
I only say this cause your flats are nice, and the lighting doesn't do your painting justice.
I working on my texturing skills at the moment and have to say, this post is a good source for inspiration.
Do you have any tutorials you can suggest (maybe some made by yourself)?
@Dethling - Lots of practice and just study what others have done. The more you look and analyze, the more you can see how a style is built. In the end, just keep doing lots of work!
I'm back from my little vacation and I'm ready to get things rolling again. I found some HD screencaps of Sleeping Beauty, which has helped with showing some details I didn't see before in the first reference round up. I did a little paint over to soften the details of the scene so I could see how the light blends easily.
I noticed the scene uses yellow hues on one side and then transitions in to yellow greens with hints of really cold blues on the other for lighting. There's also some subtle purple lights on the backside of some areas which makes them even more sinister looking. Keeping all of this in mind, I tried to bring the colors together and match it to the screencap.
Another thing to make note is that Disney seems to use "pools of light". There aren't really any light sources in the scene that would be providing what we can see, but the objective is to draw the eye in at points of interest. This is explained here too.
Anywho, that's my little update for now. Hopefully more very soon!
On that note, did you see there is a new movie about Maleficent coming? Totally going to butcher my childhood *sigh*
For your lighting, make sure to add impact with your values. There's an evenness to your current lighting that makes everything washy, unrealistic, and a bit bland. Let your light make impact and dissipate over a distance. Looks like the hottest splash is at the throne itself and it fades off into the center and out of frame. While the pool of light theory is a good reference, it's still executed realistically. I felt that all 3 of the images in your link have a source off screen. Your lighting feels like there's floating point lights splashing tons of information everywhere.
What if there's a green stained glass window above the throne? This would explain the strong lighting (and saturation) and the directionality of the falloff. Maybe try a spotlight first, really nail the focal light and then come in with some complimentary fills.
Also, watch your saturation levels. Try for some focal saturation. Value won't do all the work for you. Hit the throne area with a nice punchy green and let it fade to those softer yellows and even into the browns as it disperses through the scene. Those mysterious purples coming in from the door frames will compliment those soft yellowy browns as well, just don't push them too hard.
Keep at, will be watching this till the end!
Try playing with the amount of contrast in some of the bricks in areas like the center pit. The screen shot of the scene shows very few details and is almost just a flat color which helps bring the focus back toward the throne.
I'd totally recommend creating a second version of the same texture with a lower amount of contrast. Then vertex color blend it into areas to help soften the composition and drive the eye.
You could add vertex color to bring in some of the hue variation on a larger scale, like the back wall just to the right of the collapsing pillar in the center of the shot.
For lighting you could just copy your lightmap UVs into your first UV set and export out the scene into 3DCoat or Zbrush and retouch lighting rather than trying to leave it all at the mercy of max lights. You should be able to quickly iterate the lighting this way and get a very painterly look.
@Xaragoth - Thanks for the feedback, I actually went and saw the new movie. It was pretty decent and had some pretty good CGI. Still will always love the original Disney animation though.
@Endfinity Jon - Looking at the previous render, I see what you are saying and will definitely be looking in to more natural fall off with the lighting. You totally figured out my current lighting setup (it really is a bunch of point lights everywhere...), and I will changing this ASAP.
@Gannon - Thanks so much for the feedback, I will be playing around with vertex color/texturing to add some variation and to add some more focus to the scene!
For now, I leave a very small texture update. A revised version of a previous tapestry and a center tapestry piece to go over the throne. I'm excited to get back in to this project again and am looking forward to finishing it! :poly142:
-Meowza has officially been given to encourage the finishing of this awesome environment. Go go gooooooooooooo
@turpedo - Thank you for the feedback! I went back and punched out the tapestry folds a little more and gave it a little more of a gradient as suggested:
Happy to post a pretty decent update!
First, I decided to go in and model out some ceiling pieces to make the room feel like it... Actually has a ceiling. :poly141: By doing so, I went in and added some material contrast to the scene with wood planks/beams:
Where the ceiling area connects to the pillars, I also went in and made some little metal accents to give some more contrast between the stone and wood. Also increased the saturation of the tapestry/carpet some more and got them all placed out.
I learned vertex painting (had to rebuild the walls to do so, but it was inevitable) which has helped a lot with breaking up the scene and setting a focal point. I just made a simple stucco texture and layered it over the main brick texture. I tried it out on the low center area bricks and liked the results too. Placed out the shields too and sewage drains. Finally, I got rid of the puke lighting and cooked up something a little more pleasing to look at:
My thoughts and what I want to get done before next update:
- New lighting is very cold and I kind of like it for the purpose of the scene itself. It still doesn't hit what the original background does though.
- Shields stand out too much.
- Proportions of archways are off. Back room in general is still not close enough to the reference image.
- Need to rebuild hallways (this is due to converting previous walls to vertex painting).
- Need to open up drainage area.
- Maybe make one variation of the floor?
- Get the wall decor in the back painted!
- Improve lighting still.
- Look into field of view.
Leaving that sneaky throne in the back for one of the last things I do before final renders. Critiques always appreciated! Thanks for looking! :poly142:
Wow Andy, this is amazing stuff. Your textures are so well done, this is going to be all about lighting the scene properly and you'll have that solid portfolio piece for sure
Regarding the field of view and matching the perspective of the concept...I don't know whether it's too late, but have you tried using 3DSMax's Perspective Match tool?
Can't wait to see more, keep going!
Aside from the lighting, maybe add some red in there somewhere. like some jewels on the ground to add contrast to the scene.
Keep going.
@luge - Thanks for the feedback! I do agree that some more contrast would be good, but I'm hesitant to mess with what the purple tapestry and carpet provides to the scene. Maybe some really old and dusty orbs that have fallen out of their holders?
@felipealves - Thank you! Appreciate it!
Small update:
- Tweaked lighting just a tad
- Shields darkened
- Sewage revised and tunnels/pipes built
- Back archway removed for now (will be replaced with one closer to reference)
- Throne area widened
- Back pillars adjusted
- Fixed back faces of tapestries (now appear to take more shadow info)
- Carpet length adjusted
- Minor tweaks to floor area
- New cracked/dirty floor variation
- Minor vertex painting
Lighting setup is still being a pain and I'm now kind of feeling lost with where to go with it. Assets to complete before next update:
- Throne archway
- Possibly revise exit archways
Any additional critiques regarding lighting would be really appreciated! Thanks for looking!
What you have so far is great !
nice style to the texture work, you've really nailed it IMO.
The lighting as you said is still WIP.
From the image you posted in Post#77, i feel you shouldn't have the 'greenish' lights, i suggest orange glow. you've already have a ton of green tones in your scene already.
I really like the concept and the work so far. I tone down the saturation of the textures and overlay a orange hue. Having light rays cast towards the throne helps to give direction to the viewers. Also, I add a coupe of torches next to the archway to brighten ups those areas and give a rim light to the columns. Finally, having a subtle light source in the center builds up a story. Maybe Maleficent is seated at the throne about to decide the fate of a miserable soul laying on the lower floor. Something like that.
Both renders use an orange point light located at the ceiling, #1 has a less saturated orange though. Both have a spotlight aimed at the throne, #1 being closer to a green, #2 being a light blue. Not a final lighting setup, but does help balance the colors a bit in the scene. I'm going to keep tweaking them!
@luge - Yeah, I think the lighting and how it's interacting with the textures is going to be the biggest road block at this point. :poly127:
@EdGaray - Woah, thanks for the cool paint over!
@ClusterOne - Hey thanks! No blend mask at the moment, but the stucco could use it to break up the bricks some more.
Okay - it's becoming very clear that the lighting for this place can go many ways and I think I'm going to try some different moods out with swapped color palettes. :poly142:
@ScottMichaelH - Thank you! Will be putting a lot of work in to the next lighting update.
Sculpts that have been baked down for the archways:
1796 Tris together, basically a combination of AO, EDT and EMB cavity maps. Base color and then a lighten layer to give the shadows more of a purple hue. Do not worry, punchy colors and all that fun stuff are on the way! :poly122: