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Fizz the Tidal Trickster (LoL)

polycounter lvl 10
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kevino025 polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys,

I wanted to share the project I'm currently working on.

Always wanted to do Fizz and finally have some time. I wanted keep the overall look of Fizz but go higher in detail and realism. Eventually I do his trident and his shark, whenever this one is finished of course, and take them to Marmoset. Gonna give the skin shader a go since I've never used it before.

Theres still one set of tentacles I havent finished (just the underside). Today I started with the hands, getting some nice wrinkles in there, still a long way to go.


Some close ups



Some shots of the tentacles





Afterwards Im gonna move to the body and eventually do the feet. There are still some issues with the shape of the feet, whenever I get to them Ill go lower on my subdiv and fix that shape.

Please feel free to comment or critique.

Kevin Silvagnoli


  • Rokugan
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    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome start you got there! The only thing I don't really like is the skin texture, a bit too rough for my tastes
    I agree with Rokugan, it looks good overall but the skin is just off. Fizz is essentially a fish which means he should be slick and slippery looking, right now he looks more like a reptile or something. I also main Fizz so that's cool :D
  • kevino025
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    kevino025 polycounter lvl 10
    I was hoping to achieve the slime/wet feeling through the spec map of course, and hoping the roughness of the skin would help out. If doesn't work I was hoping to lower the intensity of the normal map after its baked. I'm guessing this will be a good approach in order to play with a few options.
  • kevino025
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    kevino025 polycounter lvl 10
    Finally got some free time to work on this guy again. I have been texturing the body and sculpting teeth, gums and tongue.


    I've made some changed on the coloring, specially on the hands and feet.

    Ive already textured the gums for him. Gonna work on retopo and painting the teeth and tongue. Almost ready for UVs and bakes.

    Please feel free to comment or critique.

    Kevin Silvagnoli
  • Kave
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    Kave triangle
    Not really feeling the realistic style you've gone for, just makes it look fucking terrifying rather than the cute little asshole that Fizz is ,lol

    Keep going though.
  • kevino025
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    kevino025 polycounter lvl 10
    Quick update on this guy. I've been working on the materials inside of marmoset 2. Really liking it so far. Gonna fix some things with the paint in his skin and the translucency map.

    Then I'm gonna move to the trident.

  • lloydj14
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    lloydj14 polycounter lvl 6
    Really liking this latest one getting a feel of the slimey/wet skin while still keep a good amount of texture :)
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