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Thought I would post for some feed back (never think my stuffs any good)
worked on reflection and the sails
all hand painted in sculptris 86638 tris as of now


  • SolCommand
    I love it mate ! Brings back memories of Port Royale, a PC game I used to play.
  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    I think it looks good, but it needs some more color variation. Try making some parts painted (I'd go for red and black personally) and maybe some stronger hueshifts between the different planks as well.

    I'd make the sails a bit more yellow as to suggest that they've been used more.

    Other than that, good job so far.
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    OK Its nice, but i would really like to know more about the context.

    this is a fairly low rez model and the textures while passable betray that... is there a reason why the ship is entirely constructed from one colour of wood? the deck of a RN shi would always be a lighter colour than the hull. the rail would be again of darker wood. the planks on the hull would be larger than those used to construct the deck and overall if nothing else there would be areas of the deck more commonly traversed and thusly the colours would shift... now if all those things are because of texture restrictions. fair play you made a really good use of the texture space you had. if not i would fix those things :P
  • DWalker
    RN ships of the period were also painted, often in quite striking colors and with gilding. The only images I can find of the actual ship (as opposed to the reproduction that sank during Sandy) is a two-tone paint scheme of black & gold:

    The bottom of the hull was copper plated during this period to prevent ship-worms from destroying the wood, but I'm not sure that would be apparent in your images.
  • Anthony44
    Thanks for the CC Solcommand Thats what I was aiming for an isometric game
    PortRoyal looks great im going to look over at amazon maybe a red fatman will bring it.
    Nosslak Dwalker (thats what I was thinking im glade I posted)I wanted some feed back before hours of work well maybe an hour.as for The sails I was going with aged look on the boat cover and got feed back that the person didnt like it
    (hence the post I was second guesting my self)
    so I went lighter on the sails maybe some where in the middle would be better
    Nistrum im making an isometric phone game yes low poly model is a bit overboard (joke intended) but I still wanted to make a low poly model with uv textures
    (and yes packed and tight with no overlays)
    as for the one color yes (the wood is one color at this stage on purpose) now I can add the paint and light dark hues But sadly most detail will be lost.

    PS Dwalker thanks for the pic. coppers done but it needs to be greener didnt want to do to much with out feed back(its about the same color as the wood)
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    can we see the textures please? Amazing work!
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    yeah, i figuered as much, like i said nice use of limited texture info.

    could you not use vertex colours to control the light/darkness of the wood?
  • Anthony44
    Thanks wirrexx that means alot here you go (the sails are on 1 sheet but when done you can tell they will fill on 4
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    Sails are bit darker nosslak still needs more yellow
    Nistrum thats a damb good idea! (I guess thats why you get payed the big bucks)
  • Anthony44
  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    The UV-unwrapping could be a lot better as you're wasting a lot of space. I would've also combined all the textures into a single one as that would make it easier. It would be a good idea to use mirrored UVs for the hull and probably overlapping UVs for the sails (with maybe 3 or variations instead of all unique).

    The UV-mapping is pretty bad, but the textures themselves look good.
  • Anthony44
    Nosslak Thanks again for the feedback
    as for the space is just layerd when im done they will stack on each other the sails are on the upper conners that go to the hull there just not together yet
    (if you over laying the 2 you can see the ones that cover the ships hull will be on another sheet)
    and on a others they fill also as for mirroring Cannon fire damage on the right side and left will have to have its own textures same with sails so unfortunately I cant mirror.
    (as for the cannons and figure head and long boat (unique) for close ups for the GUI but I may make them together)
    ps i have 6 textures I didnt want to post them all
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    wah, came in to late on this thread and missed the Textures :( Sad face x 10
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