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Stylized Candy Lady

polycounter lvl 5
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Moltazia polycounter lvl 5
as a side project i am turning this character :f3ex.jpg

into a zbrush model, i have so far mostly concentreated on the face, trying to get a likeness.

will concentrate on the hands, knees and below and the clothes for the next update. any and all qritique will be very appreciated as i have never tried stylized sculpting before.


  • mkZ3R0
    If you want to convert your concept 1:1 into a zBrush sculpt you should stretch her torso. It's much more longer in your concept. Also her thighs don't look that fat and bulgy in the original design.

    Try to uplaod larger shots, it's quiet hard to give you feedback on the details, if the resolution doesn't allow it. Also a 3/4 view would be nice.
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