This is my 2nd Try at a Weapon.
Now I'm going with the traditional method High to Low Poly Modeling.
Tris Count - 6,383 Tris (down from 7.5k..I removed the Bullets)
Texture Size - 2048
Current Stage: Finished for now...
For now I'm gonna call it Done. I'm not to happy with it but I want to try to limit my time on projects so to get more work out. The more to do the better I'll become....I think.
I'll come back to it in maybe a few months, But I'm going to move on to an Hand painted Environment (Mobile Spec) to test my Painting Skills & get a few Environment pieces on my Portfolio.
The Finished (for now) renders are on my

please let me know what you think & Critiques or ways I could do to Improve my Hard Surface modelling Thanks!
I notice that where the stock connects to the body of the gun is a seperate object, not just a box. Besides that pretty boring concept, primitive shapes with a g36 on top. Should be pretty easy. I'd probably advise not using ddo2 since it pretty much holds your hand with texturing. Since this is the second weapon you've done might want to get a feel for real texturing.
Good point I had looked at that but not done anything about it. I'll get onto fixing that. Yeah I did notice the top. I have found it fun to model so far, your right its not that complex just trying to get all the little details looking correct atm.
I wont be using dDo at all. All Photoshop from now on
Next is to make Low Poly
but Low Poly is almost done.
Just wondering about the insets by the barrel, the 4 rectangels on each side, could they not just be in the normal map?
Also, where does the string in the top middle lead to? it just seems to end abruptly (second pic posted some days ago).
I have considered normal mapping the Bolts. I thought they did stick out quite far enough to warren their stay. but they dont seem to effect the silhouette so I think I will normal Map them. All of those decisions I would have made in cleanup tommorow. but saves me 400 Tris
The String leads is what I believe to be a laser Designator but I could be wrong. where it leads is from the Designator itself to some kind of battery cell that connects to the side of the main sight. Better Image Here
Final Model Tris Count : 7,502
Bake Finished, starting cleanup. then texturing can begin!
If you want a nice looking render Marmoset, UDK or CryEngine both give really nice results with a bit of work on the right lighting. UDK Is the hardest to setup Marmoset & CryEngine 3 are both very easy to learn. I would not use Maya to render (Unless your really good at it/ its Film Spec)
Cleanup is just about done. beginning Texturing
Also I really like your portfolio layout, its one if not the best I've seen & your work looks great. Can I ask how long you've been doing 3D?
It's a good start. I think before you move onto your scratches and wear you should focus on getting the base materials looking right. Especially on the metal, the scope also and other parts since they are made of plastic.
Check out the prominent noise on the specular for those plastic parts.
Another thing about the metal I noticed on the refs is the fact it's spray painted on, which I think would look great and make it look less uniform. Since you're doing a black version you could do black sprayed onto grey metal. It also leaves the texture slightly cloudy. Also check out in the above image how the spray painting is not covering the entire area but moreover the center sections. The metal looks much more prominent in edges or intersecting geo areas.
Aside from that the texture of the real life one isn't too exciting, so I'd probably bring it up a notch and put dirt and wear in subtle form around.
I'll come back to it in maybe a few months, But I'm going to move on to an Hand painted Environment (Mobile Spec) to test my Painting Skills & get a few Environment pieces on my Portfolio.
The Finished (for now) renders are on my Portfolio
There will be a SketchFab model Embedded soon
& a 3D View from SketchFab!