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[UDK] Forest Environment

polycounter lvl 7
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Ferum polycounter lvl 7
Hello good people of Polycount!
I've recently started working on forest scene which hopefully will turn out good enough to be a portfolio piece. I also plan to make a custom map out of it for game called Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, so my scene would be both functional and (hopefully) good-looking.

Here's a general plan of the scene (if you manage to read anything from that scrawl) as well as inspiration/reference board:



Here's progress so far, still a long way to go!



Next step is creating more small foliage meshes for color variety.
That would be all for now. Any advice, criticism and comment is MUCH appreciated!


  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    This is looking pretty good! I'm curious as to how you made the tree textures? You got really good results, I'm interested in giving it a try.
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Nice. But I think the lightning need some love/work. Also trees can have stronger normals.
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    The landscape textures are looking really solid. The rocks are looking a little weak at the moment (low texel density, a little lumpy, not very interesting). Are you planning on having a fire or some light sources near the longhouse to bring out some other colours in the scene?
  • Ferum
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    Ferum polycounter lvl 7
    Hey there!
    I made few variants of a pine needles, added material with gradient and a grass blade texture for some noise, then used Object Paint tool (working in 3ds max)to paint them on the branches. Then I used render to texture to create textures. As for the dead branches, I handpainted the alpha, used a treebark texture for detail and inner shadow layer effect to define shape.

    @Mr Significant
    Do you have any suggestions for the lighting? I already made directional light much brighter to bring out the normals more and it looks a bit better, but the lighting is not final. Tree branches don't have a normal map yet, I have yet to bake one out as the trees feel kinda flat at the moment.

    Yeah, I'm not quite happy with the rocks. They look fine in Marmoset renders, but I guess it's due the lack of compression and 4k textures as opposed to 2k I'm using in game. But even then the textures turned out blurry. I will remake the rocks with higher polycount and using more than two UV islands this time.
    At first I planned to only have a fireplace inside the longhouse, but some lightsource outside is a good idea, thanks!
  • Sardu
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    Sardu polycounter lvl 5
    Looking great, but is there a reason your tree branch texture is so big with so much wasted space?
  • Mr Significant
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    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    I don't know what to do with the lighning. You can make some translucency or something like that on the branches., and see what it could do. Also as you can see here:


    A lot of details goes by time of day/ color of the light. In your scene you have more like dawn/sunset with a lot of red/orange light. Try to change the color, and push the brightness. Also you can use some Bloom in post process chains.

    Marmoset isn't game enginel it's RENDERING engine, so he has ubershaders and super lighning, for rendering purposes. Do not put the texutures in marmoset, if you want to use it in the game engine, because they'll look different.

    sorry for PRO english,
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    It's looking pretty good. That tree branch texture made me cringe a little bit though. There's a tremendous amount of wasted space as Sardu has already pointed out. I would try and repack it a little more.

    Keep up the fine work.
  • Ferum
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    Ferum polycounter lvl 7
    Hey there!
    I've finally made some progress I think is worth showing. It's slowly getting where I want it to be, now I need some finer detail. Small rocks, flowers, fence and a lamp post near the longhouse, some crates and furnitures that kind of thing.

    Here's the progress so far:


    I've completely redone grass and got to that pine branch texture as well so it uses more space.


    Thanks for your feedback so far, it's been very helpful, looking forward to more!
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    Any more progress on this? If you had any plans for turning this into a Team Objective map, we are hosting a map contest for Chivalry. Check it out:

  • silver_hoodlum
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    silver_hoodlum polycounter lvl 4
    love forest levels always :), well done huge amount of work
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