
, I need help with the different type of maps (
diffuse color, normal, specular, gloss, emissive, and glow maps), understand what maps I have/can use in my models.
By this time, I understand for what
diffuse and normal maps are used and how use this type of maps.
But, I don't understand for what
specular, gloss, emissive, and glow maps can be used and how use this type of maps.
So pleas, if someone can help, with images, links to other pages, or something.
Thank you.
A gloss map sets the glossiness or surface roughness of the specular reflection. Bright values = a glossier, tighter highlight, and darker values = a more matte, broad highlight.
This tutorial is specific to Marmoset Toolbag, but it covers the basic diffuse/normal/spec/gloss maps: http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/materials
Emissive maps and glow maps are generally the same thing. The may out light sources on your texture (stuff that will glow) and in some engines will flag the engine to use a special glow type post effect on it.
I saw that gloss maps are black/white, but I saw 2 types of specular maps, black/white and colored (similar to diffuse map), my question is, what is the difference between black/white and colored specular maps.
Colored specular map: http://shika.50webs.com/images/acilia_main.jpg
Colored specular map: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/299/f/5/flamebuster_by_jotun-d6ruenr.jpg
Black/White specula map: http://www.etyekfilm.hu/boom_minitutor.jpg
Thank you.
Colored specular maps control the color and intensity, which is useful for some complex materials and certain metals (gold, brass, copper, etc).
OK, now I'm starting to understand.
Thank you soo much for the help. Really helpful. ^^
Check out these 2 videos and read these Siggraph pdfs, they explain better than I can. It's pretty cool stuff: SIGGRAPH 2013
Displacement maps are also more important these days. They're essential to terrain generation with programs like World Machine. There's lots of info you can find on Google and searching Polycount threads. Don't let all this stuff distract you though, getting the basics is more important, but just keep in mind there's always something more crazy out there to learn.
Thank you, but for the momment I will start with the actual systems.