[Note: As of Monday I'll be traveling so will have to put the project on Hiatus for a few weeks, but will be completing it when I get back. Thanks all ]
Hey all, decided I wanted to get some more realistic looking characters in the folio so decided to go for something skater-ey to star off with
Thinking baggy clothing, slouched jeans, etc.
Have a basic blockout so far, more to come. Cheers!
Be good to add some distinctive features like the ear tunnels, piercings, also maybe some rips in the jeans to show he's been about a bit.
SOOO many modelers make great looking models that work in an A pose but then the second they get rigged up and step out of that pose, all of the nice cloth folds and baggy drapery fall apart, or... actually stay static and look horrible.
It's like painting harsh directional shadows into a tilable diffuse map.
Great character design means thinking ahead and planning around commonly made mistakes. Making a character that is designed to not be a burden on the technical restraints of the game. It can take a lot of work and tech power to make the level of cloth that you have, behave like it should. Or you could not invest in that and it can look pretty bad.
This is why I think its important that all character artists be fairly well versed in skinning and animation, they don't have to be amazing but they need to know enough to be able to predict and work around these kinds of issues.
Long post short:
It's a good looking model, some great working has gone into it, but unless its a statue I think the core design could cause problems that should be weeded out at the concept phase.
@Mark - Those are some really good points, I have to check out more information on proper realtime deformations, etc. Will make that my next priority - cheers
I am so guilty of making characters that don't deform very well. I am a student studying character art and I keep making characters where I like the silhouette but I make pretty beginner mistakes with designing the character for believable deformation. For example I made pleated drop crotch pants once. How did I imagine those would deform correctly? Then my last character I made saggy, baggy pants. And my current character has a baggy jacket on. Could you share anything you find out or learn about real time deformations, or any other ways around this, on this thread? I would love to still make characters with interesting clothes and silhouettes so I will keep my eye on this thread if you are willing to share anything you learn.
@Krista - will try PM you some info when I have the time!
If there are any issues I'd appreciate someone pointing them out. Will try post another update soon. Thanks guys
With the cloth you are looking at folds around the ankles, knees, armpits, elbows and wrists for natural looking cloth deformation. Just remember the forms underneath and how they will define the cloth. Also that there is a relationship to cloth, folds don't just end and they influence one another exponentially. Also remember silhouette, it's a bit boxey at the moment and there's not a lot of sense of underlying anatomy
With the face I think You might be best to go down a few subdivisions and concentrate on skull shape. At the moment it looks like you've just jumped up too quickly and are missing the major forms, things like brow shape and jaw line, jaw might be pulling back too much. Temples are probably the main issue and the eye shape.
It's a great start though dude, you got everything setup and ready, just needs a bit of refining. Grab loads of ref and go crazy buddy