I am wondering if anyone knows why my high poly crate will not project on to the low poly. As you can see in the uv render, all bolts and details are no there.
What do your render to texture settings look like and what kind of map are you baking in that image? It looks like your render to texture settings don't have the projection modifier turned on.
It has something to do with the skylight in the scene. If I remove the skylight I can bake out a normal map fine. But I need the skylight for my AO map.
Does the normal map output actually look wrong or just the frame buffer? Max will generally show something like complete map output in the frame buffer- it doesn't match the maps that are being saved. Also, make sure light tracer is turned on.
Yes, you were both right! It totally was rendering the whole time. Thank you
Sorry Alec, just saw your post! Apparently restarting my computer fixed it as well and now it's rendering normal. The only problem I have now some of the parts look yellow in my normal map ->
Warren beat me to it.
Sorry Alec, just saw your post! Apparently restarting my computer fixed it as well and now it's rendering normal. The only problem I have now some of the parts look yellow in my normal map ->
This or could be flipped normals on your highpoly as well.