I have a character model that I modeled and later rigged for a class earlier this year, and now I'm in an animation class and would like to use this character in an animation. Problem is, my weight painting sucks. Is it possible for someone to take a look at it and fix it for me? I can send you the model via a PM.
Here's the way the model looks, by the way:
If your model is less than 10k, you can test it out by uploading it to Miaxamo something website for a free rig. Just to find out if you model joints and topology well enough or not.
Try posing her first, then paint-weight on it.
flood one joint with all the influence of the model, preferbly the hip joint.
then go over body parts one by one with 1/full influence, upper leg, lower leg, foot, toes, bicep, arm, hands..
then go down to .5/half influence and smooth inbetween those body parts, then lower a bit more and smooth a bit more..
breaking the skinning down like this might make it more managable for you!
the belts around the hip, where the thighs will rotate around, does look like it's gonna cause you some head ache though
I would add :
- don't forget to check "interactive weights", that means the sum of all influences of a vertex is always equal to 1 and never higher.
- when smoothing influences lock every joints except the two you smooth between or some other joins could "catch" part of the influence on a vertex.
I assume you work in Maya, but it should be the same in every program.
The model's actually closer to 20k last time I checked.
Also all the suggestions so far say that I should just try painting the weights myself again, is that right? Because I've done it twice already and it still looks like hell.
If you have some extra cash, i strongly suggest this dvd. It goes through the method and will show you how to do it all. It took my weight painting to the next level for sure.