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Bounding box help!!

Okay so I'm new to UDK editor and I'm trying to find out how to take my custom model of a house okay, and after importing it into UDK editor..make t so you can walk through the door and go up the stairs without falling through or walking through the mesh. I know about bounding boxes but when i make one it makes a box around the whole house and you cant walk through the door.

Thank you very much



  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    what you are looking for is called collision.
    You can use meshes for this, or you can use the builder brush too.
  • BNielsen
    One thing to keep in mind. You can have multiple objects so long as they are properly named *_001, *_002, etc.
    But they CANNOT be concave - i.e. 1/4 moon shapes dont work, You'd have to make multiple objects that as a whole, would create the curve. (such as 4 boxes)

    When in doubt: Begin with base shapes.
    As soon as you start to edit them, you can create concave shapes - like if you extrude 2 adjacent faces of a cube, or anything of that sort... You run into issues.
    Also mind polycount - High poly does hurt performance. - so Cube>Cylinder>Sphere

    So for a house - each wall will be its own cube, the door - its own cube, the stairs, I would recommend having at least 8 polies on it(scale a cube, put the collision box through the floor. merging verts can act a little funny, and jam the player under it and things of the sort.

    Also: From personal experience, I find that a box has to be at least 8 unreal units (like, for your second story floor, don't try to make it 1 unit thick, it fails often, and 8 units is still very small anyhow)
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Also, don't let the collision boxes intersect, from my experience, it's better to have a little bit space between them (slightly, just to avoid faces to intersect). I had problems with collisions getting confused and not working at if they do.
  • BNielsen
    McGreed wrote: »
    Also, don't let the collision boxes intersect, from my experience, it's better to have a little bit space between them (slightly, just to avoid faces to intersect). I had problems with collisions getting confused and not working at if they do.

    What makes you say not to intersect? I've found many problems when I don't intersect, and since I started to intersect all my boxes about 10 months ago, I've yet to experience a related issue. Again, as long as they are all convex, I think you're fine.
  • WarrenM
    I've never seen a problem intersecting collision primitives, that's weird. I'd like to get a repro though if it exists...
  • mAlkAv!An
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    mAlkAv!An polycounter lvl 5
    Approx. one year ago there has been made an update to the collision prim import (at the same time when bOneConvexHullPerUCX was added to the import options). Prior to that UDK would merge intersecting collision prims into a single convex collision prim, covering all the intersecting ones (e.g. in case of a room with 4 walls this would result in a large box making it impossible to move inside of the room).
    This is for .fbx btw, .ase can handle intersecting collision meshes at least since UT3.
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    I intersect collision prims as well. As long as your collision prims are separate objects on import you be fine. If the prims are combined the import will attempt to combine them and most likely fail.
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