I've lurked polycount for a while, made an account well after that and lurked even more. Now I guess I will come out of the shadows and post a little.
New to sculpting and texturing but I'll be doing my best to learn as I go

(Cleaning this post up until I decide what to do with it, up to date stuff is always the last post)
Also, hi fletch - I remember you from way back when on joindota haha
Updated with current sculpt and progress - Need to finish inside of the lid, and make an eye for it
And here is the current progress... I think I am around 30,000 polycount right now, slowly working my way to around 4-5 million for this vertebrate probably...
Imperial Dragon's Curse
I am also putting a lot more effort into my texturing process, and advertisement process. Hopefully as I become more skilled at 2d Art, I can help my 3d shine.
Still struggling to get my particle mesh to display in-game so I can make proper in-game promotional shots of the blade with the particles in the right area.
The fur details (maybe leaves on NP?) are way too small and are just going to come across as noise in the game. They need to be a lot bigger. We had a similar discussion on another thread about this:
Yeah I've been wondering about that throughout the process, but at the same time I kind of want to see how it turns out in the texture. I'm not exactly going for the big thick fur of a bear, more like the short coarse fur on a deer, and I don't really know how to do that without just leaving the shawl flat across it. Not something I really want to do
Recently, I've been back to the Juggernaut blade. I reworked my topology once again, and started back through the texturing process, addressing any mapping issues with actual mesh fixes instead of just trying to smudge them out.
Lots of reading, but not quite as much understanding is going into really learning how the normal maps, etc. are made and what they actually do. I've received a lot of help from the guides and people of Polycount, though, and am actually getting really happy with the results I have achieved so far.
Big big big thank yous to the people behind Handplane and Marmoset. Both have been extremely helpful to me in answering questions, as well as providing such amazing programs.
Here is what I've gotten so far, but I am really looking for any critiques or feedback, as I really am a texturing noob :poly142:
Low-Poly, Diffuse and UVs
Mask 1
Mask 2
And finally the base Beauty Render of the low poly in Marmoset using 3 point lighting as best as I could make it
I think I am ready to really work on the marketing images now, and hopefully get some in-game shots set up
I tried with pcf extention, i tried rewriting the qc file while in testing ward, i also tried with model and _fx postfx like a hero weapon but till now nothing came up.
I use the same name at steam !