I just noticed an issue with imported Skinned Mesh Renderer objects in Unity3D. All of the meshes' pivot points default to 0,0,0 (origin) despite the pivot points being properly set inside Maya.
This problem ONLY happens if the object is a Skinned Mesh Renderer. If I export an FBX of just the mesh objects, the pivot points in Unity are in the proper location.
I also tried re-exporting my skinned model from Max and the pivots are positioned properly, which pretty much narrows the problem down to the Maya export. I've tried a bunch of different settings for the FBX and even matched the export settings to Max, but nothing seems to work.
Has anyone encountered this problem before or know exactly what the issue is?
Here are my FBX export settings for Maya, which doesn't seem to work, and Max, which worked:

Thanks in advance.
Also, what happens if you load your incorrect pivot file into 3dsmax? Is the pivot still wrong?
If I take the FBX from the Unity project folder and import it back into Max/Maya, the pivot points are in the proper locations, which is why I don't understand the problem I'm getting.
The difference between Max & Maya is that Max sets an object's translation data to world space on export while Maya keeps whatever is in the channel box. The issue was caused by freezing transformations in Maya, so even though an object was at, say, 50, 10, 50 world space, Maya's channel box would read 0,0,0. I guess that relationship has something to do with Skinned Mesh Renderers in Unity.
After resetting the object positions and making sure the channel box reflected their world space coordinates (and re-skinning the meshes), everything imported just fine into Unity.