So it's been a long time since i'e had to create any art, especially for UDK. I'm using Max 2010 and exporting FBX (I've also tried ASE).
I think I'm going batty because I'm trying to import the most simple mesh in the world and getting all sorts of problems.
It's basically a flat plane, with same chamfers and a bit extruded in. This shouldn't be rocket science, but I assume the big flat faces should be one smoothing group and not show the underling geo, just be one big flat panel, but no matter what I do or options I choose it ends up wonky.
What the heck am I doing wrong?
Edit: Also make sure that planar face is actually planar
Thanks for the input though.
You get very bad light baking this way. The lowpoly should have proper smoothing groups set up. This also eliminates gradients in the normal map, which in turn also makes the normal map better in itself, and more easy to re-use. and compression is better.
Basically, the entire world becomes a better place, if smoothings are setup properly.
If you are using Max, you can try to select all the faces, and click "Planar" in Ribbon. I'm guessing you are getting this error eitherb ecause your faces are not entirely flat, or, as others have mentioned, that you have a bevel in the same smoothing grp.