Hi everyone!
I'm new in ZBrush (and this forum too - can't make thumbnails visible, sorry for these ugly links) and encountered a strange thing with Zspheres structure. Here some screenshots:
Here is my zsphere structure. At first glance everything is OK, but there's a strange artifact, I marked it by red circle.
When I'm trying to preview my polymesh by hitting "A" key, or trying to convert to polymesh strange things happen and it looks like this.
Btw, an artifact from first picture is gone.
Same view but with polyframe on.
And a closeup of a foot.
Strange things continue, when I subdivide and sculpt on it.
The question is: what is it, why this happen, how to avoid this.
And another thing: if I draw a zsphere and convert it to polymesh (without drawing anything else) it becomes a hemisphere. Is it normal thing?