I'm trying to figure out how to set the size/position/rotation of the planar unwrap in Blender. You can planar unwrap from the current view, but is it possible to set that view exactly? What I'm trying to do is a top-down projection that needs to be centered on an exact position and has an exact height/width. It seems like all the tutorials out there focus on auto-unwrapping characters.
That's one workaround I thought of, but somewhat tedious. Maybe a good time to start learning python scripting. For anything architectural I couldn't imagine not having exact control over uv mapping.
Check out the UVProject modifier, you can set a plane as projector and give it any position or scale you want.
UVProject also works, but it seems you can only apply to the whole object at once, rather than selected faces. It does have the nice ability to edit your mesh while preserving the projection, that could come in handy.
Thanks for the answers, I think I've got enough to work with for now.