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[UDK] Assault Bot

polycounter lvl 12
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Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
Hey whats up guys?
Just a little side project I'm working on the Assault bot :)
still have some texture refinement, working on the environment.
I plan on having bullets in the air and shell casings coming out of the bots as well as the truck on fire smoke and all that fun stuff....i was thinking about some lens flares but we'll see :D

let me know what yall think :D

Latest Update




  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10

    Got a good start going there.
    I'd replace the piece of the muzzle where you modeled all the holes with a cylinder.
    That way you'd save on polys and you could give it some thickness with a good normal map. Also, don't forget to turn the material double sided.

    Are you using Substance for your textures?
    That base pattern looks familiar.

  • thepapercut
    Model looks sick dude, but the blade texture could use a bit of polish.
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    @Nomadsoul Thank you sir, That is a good idea

    And the base material is just a cloud with a crystallize filter on it

    @amile I was having issues with the texture and material definition what i did for my diffuse was take it into mudbox and sculp then output a normal map then from there turn it grey scale intensify it a bit then add it as a mask to a grey color channel.
    but i feel the lighting or my material set up in UDK isnt showing off the normal map i have. But i plan on cleaning up the diff there are things i see that need to be tweaked hopefully that helps it :D

    @thepapercut, thanks bro! :D and yeah haha i just looked at in PS and my method described above did not do that piece any favors ahhahaha ill have to give her some love :D

    Thanks for the crits everyone :D
  • swag
    Cool idea for sure.

    I think that you are using way too many polys though. I am sure that you can reduce some edge loops and use less segments for the circular sections. I realize that you would have to probably redo the texture, it's just something to keep in mind next time. It will make things easier to UV too.

    Also the blades doesn't really look like blades, more like cut stones (minerals).

    I won't comment on the texture, everyone has pretty much done that already.

    Anyway it's a good start :)
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    hey all sorry for the delay life happened lol :(

    But I was a able to do a little bit of work on it last night I refined the fluting on barrels.....bc lets be real...it was pretty bad.

    Tonight im going to try to come up with something for the blades and then work on that texture :)

    But let me know what yall think :)


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    all right time for another little update.....

    i redesigned the blades of the Assault Bot...to be something alot more based in reality......The blades or teeth, still need to have the meshed optomised and uved
    but im to tired to do that right now...im hoping tomorrow ill have some time to sink into this :) lol but yeah let me know what yall think

    quick thought....looking at this while uploading i may make the actual blade part thinner....but anyway i look forward to hearing from yall


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    hey all, here is some updated renders of the Assault Bot,...since windows 8.1 I have not been able to use UDK :( so the renders are using marmoset toolbag, Did some texture refrinement, still have some polish yet to do on the texture i think and what not but all n all i think its coming along, :) Please let me know what yall think i look forward to yalls input :D

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    just 2 more images :)
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    So i think thats the final Assault bot....but im still working on the environment, but i originally i was batting around only making that turn table.....should i expand it to a bit bigger environment and scrap the turn table idea? I would like to know yalls thoughts on this, im kinda torn hahah i look forward to yalls input :D
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    whhhaaaaats up polycoutnt!!! so i was able Bring UDK back to life....i just had to reinstall windows 8 lol no big deal lol

    still in the conceptual phases of the env.....but i think i got a sweet idea :) ill post when ive started :D

    but let me know what yall think of the images ive put up, looking forward to yall critiques :D

    but here are the renders from UDK let me know what yall think :)






  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Upcoming Changes to the Assault Bot
    -Change out Heat Gaurds
    -Refine the red part of the texture
    -Refine Material in UDk Aiming to look like the Marmoset Renders
    -Going to experment with pushing the Normal map
    -Firgure out a cooler way to Display XJ-92 and other ID codes on the Bot

    So thats whats coming down the pipe :D

    as well as create an enviroment hahaha
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    I think your material definition needs to be worked on. Looks more like concrete than metal. I would put some more work into the specular side of the material!
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    I agree, there is too much noise on the material.
    Beat up metal does not necessarily translate into noise.
    Scratches would concentrate around areas of wear and tear.
    Also they would most likely follow specific directions.
    The redesigned blades work fine, but the material is quite dull and doesn't evoke 'sharpness'.
    I still like the colored version the most, the metal had only a few nicks and scratches and it worked a lot better.

  • spectre1130
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    spectre1130 polycounter lvl 6
    Agreed on the texture. Less overall scratches and a more well defined spec map are going to sell this I think. Maybe try an area where there is paint applied to the metal, and carefully scratch off just around corners and such to help give a feeling of depth to the materials.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    PogoP wrote: »
    I think your material definition needs to be worked on. Looks more like concrete than metal. I would put some more work into the specular side of the material!
    Second this, furthermore I'd avoid those random colors for illumination. Use one color, two at max, and make sure they work together. A lot of your shapes in your model are very sloppy looking and don't read well. For example look at the holes all around the model. You material is probably not helping this at all. I would also work on your spec (and diffuse) because it looks like a straight diffuse right now.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh I'm just trying to be honest.
    https://www.3dmotive.com/f101201 watch lesson 3 if you can. You will prolly have to subscribe which wouldn't be a good thing.

    Also when presenting stuff try and think about presentation, just a straight viewport render with the default colors isn't helping for showing your high poly models at all. Get a high spec material maybe drop in a light or two. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96854 Computron talks about his viewport setups in this thread irrc.

    For glow colors look at halo and tron, they do glow right. Don't use a deep red or blue, that never looks good and if you wanna use two try and mix a neutral color with a different color or two complimentary colors. So a blue and an orange, or a white and an orange. You can use red but use imo red is hard to pull of right, it draws the eye so fast and can really ruin things if used wrong. Just my opinion.
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    :D Thank you for everyone who has commented this Feedback is EPIC :D I really appreciate it!
    It'll be a couple days before im able to work on it again, but i just wanted to show my appreciation for the feedback :) So thank yall :)
    I'm aiming to post something mid next week :D
  • CarlCraft
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    CarlCraft polycounter lvl 9
    Looking sweet! Is this for Impacto perhaps?
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks Callebo, still got some work to do hahah but im chomping at the bit to do it :D
    What is Impacto?
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Good Morning Polycount!!!

    So i was able to do a small amount of work last night, did a little bit of mesh refinement.....and i was trying to do that lighting set up....but it didnt respond to lighting i dropped in the scene....it was really odd I'm going to research it more later today but here are some updates from last night

    I took out the square ports that the guns came out of to go with a more based in reality design (based on aircraft gun pods)

    I also slightly changed the shapes of the side lights....but idk how i feel about the shapes just yet.....I also had alot of bad edge flow that i cleaned up

    But let me know what yall think :D




  • CarlCraft
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    CarlCraft polycounter lvl 9
    callebo wrote: »
    Looking sweet! Is this for Impacto perhaps?

    It's a game where the players control bots that look like yours!
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I017w20iK3s"]ImpactO Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Whoa!!! hahah thats uncanny Callebo!! haha but cool non the less....here is a quick update of the bot....:) oh and i got the lighting to work :)

    I think im about to UV this beast! :)



  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    ok so i think im done with the mesh

    Thoughts, Critiques, Comments all welcome here :D

  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Good evening polycount! :D

    So i was able to get some work done, threw the bot into may got the UVs done and did an intial bake from my highres to my low res, thought it came out pretty good for the part i was aiming for.....since it turned out really well, prlly going to bake out the teeth and maybe another part of the body, we shall see :D

    but take a look at the intail bake results, defiantly need to paint out some errors in the bake but im pretty happy with what i got so far, let me know what you think :D


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    So I need some help...im kinda stumped and wanted toget some ideas from yall....that inner circle area wich is bland at the moment i would like to turn into a access panel for like maintenance....or something i know what i want but i don't know what that looks like hahaha

    I have tried googling but....nothing really strikes me

    This is where i wish i was a better concept artist hahah....im working on my drawing skills lol :D


    Fixes that need to be made to the bot
    -UV distortion on top of the bot
    -tweak bake, lower vents not coming through
    -bake out maps for upper wheel and possibly teeth
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    OK...so i got a bit carried away with modeling tonight, i really did not like the center area of the bot, but im going for a futuristic service hatch where the power core of the assault bot can just be removed, let me know what you guys think :D

  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Much better :)
    Maybe try to find a way to make it clearer where the hatch comes off?
    That could be a color thing tough.

    One thing that bothers me are the cannons.
    They just kinda stick out. Maybe they could be mounted in a different way?
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you for the input NomadSould2501 :) I added the hatch
    and the cannons are based off of aircraft gun pods.....im not sure how else i would mount them...

    I played around with Baking down the inner detail and i think im going to just leave it it looks way better, here are my results though


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    I hope everyone had a fantastic break....especially so close to the launch of the new consoles!!!

    That being said, I came home from work very eager toget started on my projected having seeing all the fantastic stuff yall have been doing only to run into a slew of technical problems :(

    To start off with exporting the mesh into maya for uv via FBX was a no go, triangulated for no reason...found work around to this by exporting via obj, came in nice and quaded

    when i finally get it into maya for uving, i go to unfold it comes out in this very wonky very wierd shape that does not mimic the origonal shape.....

    this is all very frustating seing as how this process worked ...with the .fbx a few a weeks ago, and now im facing these issues....or mabye im just straight up exhausted from work.....im going to continue to plug at it ,but if you guys have run into this issue or can provide input please let me know :)
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Update, even though exporting through .obj and selecting cubify in the options...i was still getting issues with triangulation on some parts of the mesh....i tried to work through that and uv in maya, but was getting really weird issues of meshes not unfolding or unable to move the uvs... :(

    Looks like ill be UVing in max....well better luck tomorrow night :) hopefully ill be able to post a uv shell maybe even an AO bake!

    Night all
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Wooo finally we getting the the cool stuff!!!!
    So here is my first steps into texturing the Assault bot, any and all critques are more then welcome, Texturing is by far my weakest link, I really want to one day make the Jump from the Sim industry to the Gaming Industry! So please Let me know what yall are thinking about this! Looking forward to yalls input! :)


  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Was able to do some more work on the texture tonight, i feel its progressing fairly well still a long road ahead :) Let me know what you think.

    Still need to make a normal map......but i dont have xnormal on this pc yet.... :)



  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Massive improvement over the first attempts!

    Personally I'm not so sure about the splotchier areas on the blades.
    Your paint chips quite believably on the bot itself and it makes sense not to have streaks on the blades but right now they feel blotchy and noisy.

    Maybe have the blades unpainted?
    They could have chips in the normal/spec and you could add dirt and maybe a blood residue here and there.

    Also, I don't get the long stripes in the center of the piece. They feel kinda out of place.

    But this is shaping up nicely, two thumbs up!
  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you for the feed back @nomadSould

    In this update i have adressed the splochyness of the blades and moved the caution colors, also did alot of over all tweaking to the texture...i think im either done or close to being done with the piece, please let me know what yall think :) i look forward to yalls input

    im feeling i need to reduce the spec in some areas...









  • Cglewis
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    Cglewis polycounter lvl 12
    did some tweaking to the shader let me know what yall think!
    The hi-res images can be found on my Facebook Portfolio, dont know why photo bucket mucks up the images :(




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