Hey polycount,
thought it was about time I started on something new and get a thread together for it, been working on this the past couple weeks on and off, still pretty early as far as the model goes; still working on the basemesh but it's coming along.
my crappy little design's attached below in case you're curious what I'm hoping to end up with.
Let me know what you think, cheers!

Some more progress.
Crits welcome, cheers!
Anyway, some more progress on the clothes, re-did the boots as I wasn't happy, and I moved the legs out a bit in order to help with the baking at some point down the line.
let me know what you think, Cheers!
The only thing that catches my eye is that the bottom of her ears seem kinda sunken into her head. I would flatten out the area between them and her jaw.
zicoV Cheers, good spot, might need to adjust that, I'm in the midst of looking for an actress to base some of the likeness on, once I have that it should start to come together, I hope...
That is a unusually large gauge on that bellybutton ring. Is that on purpose to make it fit her personality?
In all seriousness, looking awesome. I still think the shoes could do with a bit more love, the platforms seem super thin. Don't be afraid to push the sci fi edge. What she's currently wearing almost looks like a conscript/starfleet uniform that's been through hell which is pretty cool, maybe try and push that idea? She's a wastelander, so don't be afraid to make her look more hap hazard!
Her lower back muscles could use a bit more attention too, they feel a tad too pronounced. These are just small points though.
The rest of it is looking pretty sweet at the moment so keep it up
barnesy yeah a few things left with the head (the forehead being one of them) but focused on it a bit more this weekend, cheers!
Small update, fixed a few things that were bugging me and I'm starting to get the rest blocked out but not much to show on that front yet. Let me know what you think, cheers!
a little updatey thing...
Been trying out fibermesh for some micro details on the cloth, doesn't really show up on theimages but I'm hoping it'll ad something in the bakes.
Got some hair blocked out along with an arm guard thrown in, more or less finished the high poly, I just need to tweak some of the facial features and work on the hands a little more and I'll be ready to get building the low.
Only two small crits though:
The hairline starts very close to the eyebrows. It's not really wrong because some people are like that, but's kinda strange... Try to have almost twice the distance you have now between the eyebrows and the hairline.
The eyebrows gives her a worried expression, but I guess it because they are not finished at all. It's because they are going down too soon.
Keep going, this is really nice stuff !
Keep up the good work!
Dunno why, also like her pants a lot. Wrinkles look simple but very nice.
Popol Thanks. Yeah, I really need to sort out the hands, they've been pretty much untouched for a long while.
PyrZern Cheers!
Bit of an update, I'm more or less ready to move past the high poly now, to be frank I just want to get the thing baked and sorted already :P
But not going to rush to it just yet so if there are any issues that are still present please do point them out, would love some feedback before I press on.
And I decided to add some asymmetry to the hair.
Keep going ! Good decision to not rush on the baking.
Working on retopoing a lot of this, the face is more or less untouched, basically just my lowest subdivision for the base mesh. Will rework it though for the final topology as it's roughly the kind of density, and for the most part topology wise, what I'm going for.
Overall this is going to be pretty dense, wanting to target some specs more next gen.
Still a lot to do, so I'm going to get back to it, any thoughts are more than welcome.
I want toolbag 2
Any crits welcome, cheers!
Ah well, here's some further progress anyway, keen to get onto texturing this weekend, so that I can make at least some progress before too many distractions get in the way.
Also, almost forgot, updated wireframe:
ysalex Haha cheers! Spent a long while sorting it out to try and keep it clean, I'm really dreading the hair though, which you seem to be tackling pretty damn well.