I was sculpting this model and I mirrored the symmetry on the facial features along the X axis and started refining the face further.Later on,I zoomed out and noticed this:

Turns out I must have mirrored the mesh along the Y axis by mistake,eliminating her legs and didn't noticed because the cam was zoomed in on the head.Problem is I had saved and closed the file before I noticed and didn't save a back up one.
Is there a way to fix this.I have tried to delete the lower half mesh but it only eliminates a limited no of faces per delete with so much of the high poly lower half still intact.
I also want to say I had no idea dynamic sculpting was this cool.Its just like drawing/sketching but in 3d with so much freedom.I am also very impressed with how well Blender handles this feature.I started from a very simple cube.I still have to do a lot of refinements concerning anatomy.
Otherwise there are 'Recover Last Session' and 'Recover Auto Save' under the file menu, that you could try.
If I make a major change to a model I usually like to make a backup copy and send it to an empty layer. Doing this has have me many times, so it'd be a good habit to pick up.
Wished I had saved an extra just in case which I normally do.Maybe I will have to start all over again.
Here's an addon that makes booleans more pleasant to use during sculpting (but you don't really need it): https://github.com/MadMinstrel/blender-sculpt-tools