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Sculpting misstep-Blender

polycounter lvl 10
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melviso polycounter lvl 10
I was sculpting this model and I mirrored the symmetry on the facial features along the X axis and started refining the face further.Later on,I zoomed out and noticed this:

Turns out I must have mirrored the mesh along the Y axis by mistake,eliminating her legs and didn't noticed because the cam was zoomed in on the head.Problem is I had saved and closed the file before I noticed and didn't save a back up one.

Is there a way to fix this.I have tried to delete the lower half mesh but it only eliminates a limited no of faces per delete with so much of the high poly lower half still intact.

I also want to say I had no idea dynamic sculpting was this cool.Its just like drawing/sketching but in 3d with so much freedom.I am also very impressed with how well Blender handles this feature.I started from a very simple cube.I still have to do a lot of refinements concerning anatomy.


  • Nosslak
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    Nosslak polycounter lvl 12
    Blender keeps extra backups of your models so that every time you save it'll change the old files extension to .blend1 or 2 so if you've saved multiple times you can try looking for that.

    Otherwise there are 'Recover Last Session' and 'Recover Auto Save' under the file menu, that you could try.

    If I make a major change to a model I usually like to make a backup copy and send it to an empty layer. Doing this has have me many times, so it'd be a good habit to pick up.
  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    Sadly,I modified the save file to 0 in the user preferences.Didn't like the way my folder containing files get quickly cluttered since I save a file I am working with very often.

    Wished I had saved an extra just in case which I normally do.Maybe I will have to start all over again.
  • Mad_Minstrel
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    Mad_Minstrel polycounter lvl 6
    You've probably moved on by now, but anyway - the simplest way to fix it is to just boolean it away. The nice thing about dyntopo is that it's a triangle soup in the first place, so you can freely use any old dirty trick under the sun, including booleans.
    Here's an addon that makes booleans more pleasant to use during sculpting (but you don't really need it): https://github.com/MadMinstrel/blender-sculpt-tools
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