Summary: Hey gang! Were looking for developers, artists and programmers to expand our close knit team whose aspiration is to complete a series of Tales based on the Metal Gear Solid saga. These tales would essentially be single-player missions based on the saga, true to the events of the games actual narrative but which werent elaborated or expanded upon in the main, official games.
Description: For veteran fans and newcomers alike, wed welcome those who are clued up about their field within games development to make a contribution to the project. Our working title, Metal Gear Tales, is to be a fan-based game of Metal Gear, if you havent already gathered. This project will offer no monetary compensation for those who are still reading, lets get onto some of the details of the project
Im an artist of both 2D and 3D fields. I know some of the UDK engine, but Unity 3D is also on the radar as well as CE3 (or recently known as just the Cry Engine); each has bits and bobs that benefit the project in different ways for example I know how to create cut-scenes in UDK, while CE is visually stunning and Unity is all round friendly, but needs more programming knowledge which we dont have. Depending on the programmer(s) who show their interest, well decide on the specific engine accordingly.
While Im competent at the models, I could do with help doing them, their textures, rigging, animating, and so on. Im the only artist on board so far. A relevant example of my work can be found below;

this is my Big Boss (Snake) model which hasnt been repotologized yet. If you can match or do even better than this, chances are youd be in! But were grateful for all interest. As for programmers, we dont know much about the languages but from what we can gather, C # would be preferred by us, but are open to other possibilities
If youre interested, wed love to hear from you! You may use either Skype or Email for contacting:
Skype: pooketz
E-mail: CC:
Best wishes!
Thanks a bunch!
but the reason im writing is how far can you animate that model or can u do animations at all, can u at least rig it ?
PS: any portfolio we can look at ?
Hi Serial,
Interesting, perhaps Unity would be the way to go, I'm just not as familiar with it myself! In any case, I wouldn't be tinkering in it more than the programmer, so it's their call really.
To be upfront, I'm still learning to perfect my competence with the animation, but I can rig, yes. I also know how to use mocap and tweak the animations accordingly in Maya (graph editor and things) and I also know the principles of animation (anticipation, stretch and squash, etc) but I don't have a portfolio to look at besides dA being mainly 2D:
Might you be interested?