Hello there !!!
I just want to add some Chromatic aberration to my scene.
I use the February 2013 build.
I try to do this tutorial, but it's just show my scene all black screen
Did somebody know what could be the problem? or probably have an other tutorial?
Thanks a lot guys for the support

Thanks a lot for taking the time !!!!
Here a screen shot of the param I put. and when I play its still black
Thanks a lot for your help!!!
that "show in editor" checkbox might be needed.
Vailias, I tried in game and in editor and both doesnt worked :S
Santewi, apparently that was the problem
Thanks a lot guys!!!
I just discover that the Anti Aliasing doesnt work if I put the material effect before the UberPostProcessEffect in the PP Chain
Any Ideas of what I can do to correct that Please???
Thanks a lot guys!