I started working on this princess peach/lara croft crossover model based on a concept by
Daemion Elias George-Cox
I`d like to get some feedback on the model so far, but i`d like it to be in the good old polycount this this and this sucks and this is why manner.
the concept
The blockout

im taking some liberties with the details but i`d like to get the overall feel of the concept in there. All of this is blockout so excuse the roughness but it should give a good overall image of where its headed. (size of the necklace is reduced due to it being very limiting for the characters movement)
So don`t hold back and no need for sugarcoating.
To tell you the honest truth, it doesn't look like peach at all.
I just doesn't have the mushroom world vibe to it you know? It looks more like, the fellow who drew this one was more focus on the "tough girl" image and did not considering the background of the character and world.
I would honestly deviate from the design a little,
-Instead of guns, have pipes with the theme of guns, fire spouting piranhas in them, either that or a battle type of parasol
-Make the belt a poison mushroom instead of a skull
-make her pants poofy and mushroom like, she shouldn't have dull colors in her color scheme, stick to mostly pink
Also if the necklence is stolen, it should perhaps have a koopa or bean theme you know . Either that or just make it a question block.
Is that one correct?
Valuemeal: I do agree that she doesnt feel like peach enough. Thats why i already got rid of the skullbelt but your suggestions are a great example of other things to do to push it further. I`m going to go for blonde instead of brown and i`ll keep those vibrant pinks in the design
The necklace probably wasn't intended to be a stolen artifact but i really like the idea of it being stolen from bowser and having her wear it as a taunt towards him.
thanks for the feedback and suggestions
good idea! well executed!
I love your idea! Peach is a very iconic character! I'd agree that model didn't reminds me Peach very much. Ialso agree that you should try make she thinner and maybe add some hair tips and round face a bit more...
However great job! Did you made the concept its really cool reminds me Otto Schmidt style.
Keep working!!!
tried to make the overall concept more peachlike. found some more alternative peach art as inspiration too
so heres a dirty paintover
Looking forward to seeing where you take this!
Don't mind me, and you probably shouldn't incorporate it at all, but I always had a silly fan theory that her hair was actually some sort of yellow mold; being the mushroom princess and all . In the final texture I think that should probably be a bit paler you know? Good job thus far though
PaulP: yeah im going to try and make the ponytail look a bit lighter. the tattoo is just a suggestion of a tattoo atm. the design and colors still need to be determined.
Valuemeal: haha it looked like a natural thing to do, im not happy yet with the details of the gun. ill make it more mariothemed to match the rest
the hairmold seems a bit too much. :P
almost done retopping the body and head for the final sculpt. all of the other attributes and clothes will be modeled over this one
its going to be a juggling act to get it right but thats the fun of it ^^
thanks for helping though
heres the modeled meshes ready for sculpting
(I also tried to make the lips a tad more modest in the paintover, but that's a personal preference towards Peachiness over Raiderness, perhaps.)
I think you went overboard with the accessorizes as there's more of them than the original princess. I really dig the first concept you presented. Made more sense of what would happen if you fused the two characters.
I`m going to adjust the face and hair to see if i can get something more of a balance between peach and laracroft.
The attributes i`m not sure about whats overall wrong with them, maybe i`ll reduce the sockssize a bit . The initial idea wasnt to have peach dress up as lara croft neither was it lara croft dressing up as princess peach but i think i`ll have to choose one more over the other .
Still need to add some stuff like backpockets and refine the overall sculpt a bit more
I like the belt/sash type thing. And the gloves are really looking nice.
good point jackablade, i`m going to try blockout a tiara that feels like her crown but doesn`t feel like too big of a mass or obtrusive
I also think I agree with Zwebbie's suggestion about the hair. It doesn't feel like Peach's hair.
I don`t want to go with the classical peach hair since i really like the braidtail ( still need to clean up the sculpt)
The face i`m pretty happy with, it`s stylized (and not in the i don`t want to fix it way), i`ve tried scaling features up and down and ended up with the current face.
the gems on the shoes don`t personally bother me atm but i`ll see if it`s better with the suggestions
but thanks for the input guys, i don`t want to come across as someone asking for feedback and not implementing it but theres also the danger of changing things when you`re happy with them and ending up with something that isn`t better.
Also, for what it's worth; I think once she's in a sweet action pose she'll look really cool!
I think what will help push the "M" in the hair is if you widen the back of the head right around the ear area. Right now it feels like the front of the skull is much wider than the rest when the widest point is normally towards the back. I worry that will mess with some of your stylization though. Hope this helps though.
...she looks like she knows how to... eat.. a.. mushroom head... or two...
Good work so far, but I agree with whats been said, the hair/M shape needs to be pushed more to reflect Peach...
Have you read the title of the thread? She clearly doesn't swing that way ;P
i`ll see if i can get that M shape in the hair with the current hairstyle
Youre making a really great progress with this Raven. Keep at it.