Hey guys, I'm not a character artist but I thought it would be fun to do one. I'd really like to get more intimate with zbrush so I'm going to make a demonic badass guy.
Painting a concept the other day and started modeling from it, but I decided to take it in a whole new fresh direction. Something hulking and heavier.

So here's where I'm as so far.

I want to get a good blockin before zbrushing.
I'd love some advice and critique on the design and stuff!
Tomorrow I'll sketch out some head designs, or I'll just pick one of the ones I've already done:
PS: also I'm hoping to learn more about anatomy by doing this. Got me some Burne Hogarth at the ready. So chaotic...but still believable anatomy.
Looks good so far, keep at it!
Here are some head designs I was playing with:
Anywho here's some slow and steady progress...
Reading your dilemma above, I would personally go for the lava arm or something that leads down that route rather then adopting our world equipment or technology.
Here's a muscle blockin in zbrush so far. The legs are hard
Basically his feet have these like organic smoke stacks (same as elbows)
The smoke stacks is such an unique idea and really pushes the intimidation. I've only got one tiny suggestion, and that's to make the foot wider to create a blocky lower leg and maybe inturn give it an unmoveable feel.... plus it'll have lava oozing and smoke poring out of it.
Looking freaking awesome though!
Next step will be adding some armoured skin to the forearms and more spikey bits for maximum squish potential.
I've been sculpting on the demon here and there but not enough for an update. Stay tuned though!