Update: I just got this shot from the guys making my print! I can't wait to get it, pretty happy with how it turned out.

Hey guys, I decided to try and tackle a realistic look alike, so here is the WIP. I couldn't think of a better candidate than Russell Crowe as Gladiator.
I'm quite new to this so any critiques/tips/comments would be awesome.
Right now I just have the general blockin. I will start doing the wrinkles and other small details next. I'm also thinking about adding his helm because that think is just too baddass.

Crits and comments more thank welcome
C&C always welcome
The noise is too uniform and is detracting from your model. Ears generally aren't that porous, for instance.
There's something that looks a little off to me about the expression. I think the area around the eyes looks a bit too relaxed, maybe the top eyelid would pull up more. It might be worth trying to make this expression in the mirror to get some ideas.
Looking decent overall though, nice work.
He is really close to being done, all I have to work on is some detail in the armor, maybe fix his hair a bit, and finish his helmet.
I'm thinking of getting him printed for my graduation portfolio show in the next couple of weeks. Let me know what you guys think. As always crits are more than welcome.
they squint their eyes, the brow makes a v shape.
DAMN, look at the commanders face when he yells to charge. that is strong reference.
Also i got some exciting news, I will have this bust 3d printed and in my hands next wednesday! I will update more when I get it, cheers!
I would be careful about working with symmetry. So maybe work with adding a little more hair to one side of the beard, especially right below the lips and on the neck.
Looking great though! I think it will look awesome once it's 3D printed! xD
I just got this shot from the guys making my print! I can't wait to get it, pretty happy with how it turned out.