Hey Guys,
I'm trying to get back into the 3D stuff so in the process of upgrading I got my a new harddrive installed to have more space. When I booted up my PC I discovered a few programs didn't work so I uninstalled them and re-installed which seemed do the trick for all but one. MUDBOX.
I searched the control panel and indeed according to the system the program was not installed, so I tried again and keep getting this message.

I finally manually deleted all files associated with MUDBOX to see if that was causing any issues but that didn't change anything. Recently I've defragged and cleaned up my HDD and this has changed nothing.
I'm hesitant to uninstall all Auto desk software to see if that's whats causing it.
has anyone experience this problem with MUDBOX before and have a solution? I'm out of ideas and google is being no help at all.
did you originally install the apps on anywhere other than C: drive ?
few things could be happening, your registry information still has some remnant of the install or you changed your drive letter. you can try a registry cleaner or make sure your drive letters are matching your previous state and the new one adds at the end.
besides that you could download CCleaner (google it) or any other well known registry cleaner and scan for installed tools. in ccleaner you can go to "tool" section and delete any entry for Mudbox. that should allow you to do a fresh install again.
keep in mind that messing with registry can be risky so make sure you do read up on it first if you are not entirely sure about it.
Restoring the D Drive maybe tricky, as it's a whole new HDD that's been installed with the data transferred back onto it. I then de-partitioned the drive essentially deleting it (right?).
however the install information is in your C boot drive, so try CCleaner to see if you can uninstall it from there.
in CCleaner, under "Tools-Uninstall" if you dont see a Mudbox then you might be out of luck.
Yeah noone of that worked, but installing mudbox 2013 did though!
there should be one from microsoft...