I've got this weird error in UDK. I made a really simple crate and I noticed that it didn't get shaded correctly in the engine. And I wanted to figure out why.
This is what it looks like when I imported it into the engine.
What you're seeing here is a weird shading error on a simple crate. I expected the faces of the right side of the crate to have the same shade. Alas it was not the case once I took it into UDK.
So I tried a couple of things to fix it but with no luck
- Take away all normal maps, to make sure it wasn't them.
- Set all normal faces to "set to face".
- Unlocking normals, averaging, setting to face again, exporting re-importing.
- Hard/Soft Edges made sure everything was set to hard.
- Re-checking my .fbx export settings (they're fine) and UDK import settings which is also fine. Using the recommended settings for .fbx files with explicit normals etc on so that I can use Custom Normals if I want to.
- Exported object as .obj and then re-imported into new scene, and export as .fbx and into UDK again.
- Tried beveling all the edges, forcing the normals to look properly smoothed using Normal Tools in Maya.
Then I tried this:
1. Me noticing the problem
2. Me trying to solve the problem thinking it might be my lazy way of doing a crate so I did another one that had completely welded vertices made by extruding faces to get the shape.
3. What it looks like in UDK. Top is the same shot as in Maya and bottom shot is how it looks from the other side.
and still nothing, it didn't help at all.
any ideas guys? I've been working on a scene in UDK for the last 4 weeks and I never really had a problem with this before now. and I've made buildings that are just big cubes basically.
.FBX for the Crateshttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20141186/Random%20pics/crate_Test.fbx
Thanks for having a look at it!
Here you go.
I really hope its just my UDK or something xD
1. Enough lighting in the scene? If not add a few more and try baking the lighting again. I don't think it's this as it's just that one side that's messing up.
2. Instead of right clicking and using "Re-import static mesh", just re-import it manually and assign in the same name. It will overwrite the old one properly. I have run into a lot of normal issues using the re-import static mesh command.
3. Triangulate mesh before exporting.
However it seems like no one else have had the same type of issue which means it could be just my machine or something like that.
I'm just glad that the crate is working now as intended. xD