Hi guys,
I am very new to unity learning slowly. I have modeled an apart and this is the bathroom.I was confused about shininess in Unity but then i used Reflective/Specular shadder. In base image i just simply load a simple white image and in cubemap i created a cubemap and added 6 panorama cube map image(Broke cubemap into 6 parts). I loaded Cubemap in cubemap slot under Reflective/Specular shadder. But when i applied it to bath tub i could clearly see the clouds and the grass.My que is that if i want my bathtub to be white and shinny what should i do? What kinda cubemap should i use?
- http://i42.tinypic.com/x2rz0i.jpg
And second problem is that i done light mapping (Light mapping extended) just used spot light in a bathroom, wasn't satisfied with result so cleaned it and even deleted the file which it creates don't know if its xml or what. I had same shadder before the one i have clicked on in the below pic. Everything was fine and white before light mapping but after light mapping its messed up and looks very dark.
- http://i44.tinypic.com/29qmv10.png
Hope someone will help me out