Was wondering if this brush works for anyone else in R6 or if I'm being dumb (Just found out about it and never tried it in previous versions) would assume you just press cntrl.
Makes me realize I should really learn how to make my own mask brushes and mats.. Anyways thanks if anyone has any information about it!
Now I know that it should be working in r6 atleast
The MAHMaskbias brush has a couple of things going on that make it behave the way it does. Under auto masking, it has "topological" switched on. Under depth, switch on "depth mask" and squash the effect circle thingy down into a narrow ellipse. That's pretty much it.
You're the bomb! Some parts of Zbrush I just neglect and rely on other people kind gestures when I shouldn't. Thanks again, ZBrush Independence Day 1 begins.