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Slice plane snapping

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Synaesthesia polycounter
This has bugged me for a few years and I've searched for a while now on how to fix it. I've come up fruitless every time and today is no different. The problem is that I have a mesh with square holes cut into it for door frames, and I'm creating a seam for use with a texture atlas. I've selected the faces I want to slice, and I've tried snapping the slice plane to the uppermost verts of the holes I've cut into the mesh. The slice plane (and any snaps for that matter) will not snap to the selected face verts but will snap to anything I didn't select. I'm not sure what the problem is, has anyone encountered this? It's rather frustrating. I could simply paste in the Z coordinate of the uppermost verts and slice it that way, but I'd rather snap it to save myself a few keystrokes.


  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    I assume you are talking about Maya, and I believe this is the standard "behavior" for that tool. Generally I sidestep this issue by creating a Locator in the place of a vert I want to snap to.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    It happens in Max too, I just make sure I select faces in a way that I can snap to verts on an unselected face.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Sorry, Bartalon, I meant 3DS Max earlier in my frustration. It's done this for as long as I can remember (I've been using it since 4.2, so anything before Max 8 is a bit foggy ;-) ) and it's always been infuriating. I've found two workarounds: Either copy the vertex position and paste that information into the slice plane's transform, or snap the plane to where I want it and then select the faces I want to cut... Neither of which I find particularly appealing because it feels like working backwards.
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