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Gears of War Judgment Art



  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Great job on the modularity! Lovin that stucco shader bigtime! :D Also good job by Nick on the post/lighting : ))
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Great stuff Josh! Thanks for sharing buddy.
    I love how simplistic all the modular pieces look and how amazing they end up in the final level.
    I also love how in this shot the steps seamlessly blend into the building:
    Were there any alpha planes involved or are the texture values just so closely matched?

    Btw, up you go into the wiki:

    Cheers ;)
  • iansmithartist
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    iansmithartist polycounter lvl 15
    yeah, get this stuff on the wiki! Been reading this thread over and over, might have to reverse engineer some of stuff. :)

    Thanks for taking the time to break down some of your workflow.
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    Snefer - Thanks dude! Yeah Nick did a great job on that map :) We had a lot of fun doing something that was different from the Gears norm

    d1ver - Thank you, Im happy to share and Im glad that youre diggin it :) As far as the stairs, yeah it was just a very simple mesh. For the material, we used just the Stone Underlay textures from the stucco as well as DepthBiasedAlpha with a Bias of 2.2 It definitely got the job done, and cheap too!
    Thanks for the spot on the wiki :)


    iansmithartist - Thanks! NP, if you have any other questions, Ill definitely answer if I can, hehe.
  • Mishap
    Love this stuff! Thanks for sharing your process
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    This stuff is awesome! Thanks for sharing! :)
  • Mouhsine Adnani
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    Mouhsine Adnani polycounter lvl 11
    really awesome stuff man, thanks for sharing.
    Like d1ver asked and you responded to him already, but maybe i'm a little slow :p can u please explain how u did the transition between the stairs and the wall ? is it unique mesh that you used for the blending ? or are the stairs one big mesh ?

    Thanks !
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    raul - Thanks dude! I love your game art thread btw :)

    Mouhsine Adnani - Thanks! Sure, the transition was just using the mesh that I posted a screenshot of a few posts back. We fit it to the corners where the stairs met the wall, then used the stone texture we already had, and used the DepthBiasedAlpha to get a soft blend betweem the divider mesh, and the stairs/wall. It softened it out to give that nice soft blend. Heres a couple screenshots to show it a little better



    Also, I forgot to post these 2 rubble piles and a few random scraps using I did for the Epilogue. These were the first pieces of art I did for the game. All on 1 texture.

  • NickGW
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    NickGW polycounter lvl 7
    This all looks amazing, thanks for sharing all these breakdowns! I used that depth biased alpha trick for piles of sand so they better blended with the surfaces they were placed on. The effect kinda breaks down a bit when you have one pile intersecting another though.

    quick question, since you used a lot of modular parts for the buildings and a vert blend material how did you handle the seams between modules so the blend looked continuous? looking at the wireframe image it looks like there's an extra set of edges at the border of each module. Is that intended to help with those transitions between modules? Ok maybe that wasn't a quick question.
  • kernersvillan
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    kernersvillan polycounter lvl 9
    NickGW - Thanks, my pleasure :) So yes I placed an extra row near the edges just to get a better blend. The stucco texture was seamless throughout all meshes, but in case there were any lightmap bleeding issues so we could paint maybe some grime or broken stone. In the end, I had to go back and stitch a few of the bigger buildings together, but all in all it worked out great.
  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11
    oh man can we see the flats for the rubble piles? are you using actual geo? or displacement?

  • Mouhsine Adnani
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    Mouhsine Adnani polycounter lvl 11
    kernersvillan - thank you very much for that detailed answer, i really appreciate it !
    keep up the great work :)
  • Iciban
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    Iciban polycounter lvl 10
    all this art! thanks for sharing your workflow
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