Hey guys, my name is Josh Marlow and Im an Associate Artist at Epic Games. Ive been a long time lurker and finally getting the nerve to post some work I did for Gears of War Judgment. Most of the stuff is from the Gondola MP map. The rubble is from the Epilogue campaign,the drill is from the Rig MP map, and the signs are from the Streets MP map. Thanks for looking!
I have no idea what you were nervous for mate this is some beautiful work! I really like the trim with the small tiles above it, nice pattern and detail.
As Scott said, straight to the inspiration folder!
I hunted down your portfolio, and I only saw Gears stuff and your Epic Games Art Test. Wish I could see more of your work, surely it must be good if you were able to get a job at Epic!
Awesome man! Dat Gondola came out great. I really like the repeated shelf stuff that runs vertical (below the little signs). Would be cool to see some beauty shots of the entire enviro with this stuff in it lit up etc...
coots7: Actually Epic is my first artist job. I started in Game QA in 2007 and worked my way up. I really have Kevin Johnstone to thank for pushing to get me on as an intern (while I was doing Engine/Support QA..... of course working on my art on the side), and then Wyeth Johnson ,our Art Director, for giving me a shot. I really owe them a lot!
gutty333: Thanks!
Auldbenkenobi: Thank you. I went through a couple of iterations on it. It was a running joke in our room for awhile
rv_el: Thanks dude I plan on posting some in editor shots soon.
MeshModeler: Thanks man! It really shows that hard work does pay off. Im so fortunate to have gotten my chance
metalliandy: Thanks a lot bud! That trim piece was a lot of fun! I should be posting some shots of the level soon.
Looks awesome Josh, great to see you posting. You should show a couple of the screenshots from the level these went into so that people can appreciate how much hardcore modularity work you put into these pieces.
BarMeyers82: Thanks dude! As for the stones, it was pretty strait forward. I sculpted a couple of different rocks and copied/rotated them around the canvas. I eyeballed the ones that were on the edges. I knew there would be a seam, but the healing brush is your best friend As for the mud, it was just a variation of a Blob brush that I found online. I can find it for you if you like it!
Ok so as I promised, here are some in game screens. This will be showing off some stuff from our Gondola multiplayer map. This map was done by Nick Donaldson and myself. I did the modeling (Not all models are mine, just what Im showing) and Nick did the meshing/lighting/ect. Paul Svoboda did some meshing as well. Most texturing was done by Eric Terry and the FX were done by Tim Elek. The layout was a collaborative effort. When we were given the basic shell by one of our level designers, all we knew was that there was going to be Gondolas going up and down the middle of the map. The rest was up to us.
So, we wanted to go with a Mediterranean coastal village vibe to it. Being a multiplayer map, and limited memory, we wanted to get the biggest bang for our buck, so we created one master stucco shader that we could use for all the buildings. Here is an example of the shader we used.
As you can see, the R channel we used for the destroyed parts, showing the stones coming through underneath. We were able to use a height map to really sell the depth. The G channel is simple overall grunge channel. The B channel we used for more grunge streaks. The blue channel, we used the normal map from the stones just to give more surface variation. Using that in conjunction with the R channel really gave a cool result.
Here are the modular meshes I made for the map. Holy crap thats a lot of meshes! I made even more that we didnt use as well. Since we wanted a unique feel, we tried to come up with as many random shapes for small buildings as possible. Keeping everything on grid and the textures lined up was a great learning experience. I also tried to keep the meshes evenly quad so that we could get uniform painting to hide seams and repetition. I ended up going back at the end and stitching some of the complete buildings together for lightmap purposes.
Here are some screens of the models that I posted at the start of this thread. All the textures were done by Eric Terry.
Really nice stuff, mate! It's interesting to see all the work you put into this, especially with the thought put into the shader in regards to packing the channels with masks.
Gears of war art dumps seem to always be my favorite. Thanks for break down too, def going to research those methods in the future. Hope you continue posting!
Beautiful lighting, textures, and breakup of the modular pieces. Can someone explain how there are three maps for each channel?
I assume there is some blending between them with something like mesh paint, and maybe some way to swap the textures in and out of their respective channels, if it is all in one master shader. Don't mean to jack your thread with techy questions, but I second the interest in a shader breakdown:)
Again, great stuff and inspiring. Thanks for sharing
Ohh this much is not enough... LOL Can we see Moooooorrrrrreeeeeee.....
Awesome awesome awesome
Specially how those modular piece are placed together to make the entire City. Woohoo.
Can we have more breakdowns and gameshot Plzzzzzz
Now that I look at it again, I'm thinking its three different painted variations of the single texture in each channel. At least that makes more sense to me. But then the question is how is there color in a single channel? To which I propose there is some tinting going on, with something like an constant3vector.
metalliandy: Thanks! Ill get around to posting some wires soon. Been a little busy the past few days
joeriv,Gannon,leleuxart: Thanks guys, Im glad you like them!
MeshModeler: hehe, sorry dude I cant post the actual shader
Khangaroo,carlobarley,Stromberg90,polycrunch,maximumproductions: thanks a lot guys, that means a lot!
moose: thanks for the bump dude
Ootrick,Ignacio: Sorry dudes, I dont think I can post the actual shader. Check out 3dmotive.com mesh painting tutorial though. There is some great stuff in there, that you could translate into any type of cool shader
cmtanko: thanks man! Ill post a few more in game shots soon
Subtle 1rony: Right. there is only 1 per channel, I was just showing progressive painting. Yep there is some tinting being used for the grime as well.
I was wondering how you have those mapped out. Like is the main roof part on it's own tiling texture, and the ends on a larger trim sheet, or do you have a section of the roof tiles that tile horizontally and the ends below... or some other way?
I'm planning out a pagoda type scene, and trying to figure out how to do the roof tiles which are a similar setup to yours.
Do you mind telling a bit about your workflow for the "ornament wall"?
Is the base done in Max and then an added "detail pass" in Zbrush? Or full on Zbrush?
Absolutely astonishing work! I've always loved the amount of work that goes into every individual asset on this franchise, and I'm glad you guys carried that same torch. Loved it, thanks for sharing.
m4dcow - thanks! here is how I layed them out. I tried to do just as flat as possible, so we could get easy reuse out of it if needed. The lower section in the unwrap is the small gutter piece. In hindsight, I could have done a lot more with them, but production is what it is
dtscultz - thanks man. Im glad you found it useful!
Jeff Parrott - Thanks a lot man
AbKl - thank you, my pleasure!
reiro and Jet Pilot - Sure thing. Yeah I do all my bases in Max beforehand. Its a better workflow for me personally. As for the specific trim piece, yeah I made it in max. Here is the base mesh as well as the low poly. The low poly strait piece came out to 36 tris
Amazing work! My friend and I are debating weather the geo is modified at all for the specific objects and where it has damage, I say that isn't the case. I think it's using vertex blending and tessellation. My friend thinks it might be vertex blending and parallax mapping. Could you please enlighten us?
Yeah i wanted to comment on this thread earlier, but lost it for some reason. This is some spectacular work specially the day light village renders on page 1. Nice work who ever achieved this.
[HP] - Thanks a lot dude, Im a big fan of your work!
Ged Alphavader - Thanks! Im glad you guys liked it
dudealan2001 - Your friend is correct. We use bump offset on the underneath stones with the help of a height map to create the parallaxing effect There is an example of the vertex shader on page 1
peanut - Thanks! Credit goes to Nick Donaldson who did the composing/lighting/post.
Sigh, straight into the inspiration folder.
As Scott said, straight to the inspiration folder!
And the key to everyone success is all the micro brews in Raleigh! lol
PixelSuit: Thanks a lot! Eh I havent really shown anything outside of the company before so its kind of nerve racking, hehe. Im glad you like them
Jet_Pilot: Damn right! Big Boss is still my fav, hehe. They are actually Zbrush renders. I used a matcap called fg_grey_Metal. Here's the link: http://fanny.vergne.free.fr/Tools/fg_grey_metal.ZMT
WarrenM: Haha, thanks dude. I'm really fortunate to be working along side you guys!!
I hunted down your portfolio, and I only saw Gears stuff and your Epic Games Art Test. Wish I could see more of your work, surely it must be good if you were able to get a job at Epic!
You went from QA to making badass art like this! truly inspirational!
Awesome work!
You have really nailed these assets and I am loving the details, especially the 3rd image down.
Post more please!
gutty333: Thanks!
Auldbenkenobi: Thank you. I went through a couple of iterations on it. It was a running joke in our room for awhile
rv_el: Thanks dude
MeshModeler: Thanks man! It really shows that hard work does pay off. Im so fortunate to have gotten my chance
metalliandy: Thanks a lot bud! That trim piece was a lot of fun! I should be posting some shots of the level soon.
RILKE: Thanks!
Really great stuff, mind sharing your process for making that HP rock ground tile like that?
Ok so as I promised, here are some in game screens. This will be showing off some stuff from our Gondola multiplayer map. This map was done by Nick Donaldson and myself. I did the modeling (Not all models are mine, just what Im showing) and Nick did the meshing/lighting/ect. Paul Svoboda did some meshing as well. Most texturing was done by Eric Terry and the FX were done by Tim Elek. The layout was a collaborative effort. When we were given the basic shell by one of our level designers, all we knew was that there was going to be Gondolas going up and down the middle of the map. The rest was up to us.
So, we wanted to go with a Mediterranean coastal village vibe to it. Being a multiplayer map, and limited memory, we wanted to get the biggest bang for our buck, so we created one master stucco shader that we could use for all the buildings. Here is an example of the shader we used.
As you can see, the R channel we used for the destroyed parts, showing the stones coming through underneath. We were able to use a height map to really sell the depth. The G channel is simple overall grunge channel. The B channel we used for more grunge streaks. The blue channel, we used the normal map from the stones just to give more surface variation. Using that in conjunction with the R channel really gave a cool result.
Here are the modular meshes I made for the map. Holy crap thats a lot of meshes! I made even more that we didnt use as well. Since we wanted a unique feel, we tried to come up with as many random shapes for small buildings as possible. Keeping everything on grid and the textures lined up was a great learning experience. I also tried to keep the meshes evenly quad so that we could get uniform painting to hide seams and repetition. I ended up going back at the end and stitching some of the complete buildings together for lightmap purposes.
Here are some screens of the models that I posted at the start of this thread. All the textures were done by Eric Terry.
And here are some shots of the map.
I don't suppose you fancy posting some wires, eh?
and thanks for the small writeup/breakdown of the process of the map.
also, page 3? fuck dat noise, buuuump
Ditto on the shader nodes would love to see more texturing breakdowns, this stuff is unreal
I assume there is some blending between them with something like mesh paint, and maybe some way to swap the textures in and out of their respective channels, if it is all in one master shader. Don't mean to jack your thread with techy questions, but I second the interest in a shader breakdown:)
Again, great stuff and inspiring. Thanks for sharing
The highpolys are great but I also love to see these breakdowns, thanks!
I would love to see some shader tisp/hints/snippets as well
Awesome awesome awesome
Specially how those modular piece are placed together to make the entire City. Woohoo.
Can we have more breakdowns and gameshot Plzzzzzz
joeriv,Gannon,leleuxart: Thanks guys, Im glad you like them!
MeshModeler: hehe, sorry dude I cant post the actual shader
Khangaroo,carlobarley,Stromberg90,polycrunch,maximumproductions: thanks a lot guys, that means a lot!
moose: thanks for the bump dude
Ootrick,Ignacio: Sorry dudes, I dont think I can post the actual shader. Check out 3dmotive.com mesh painting tutorial though. There is some great stuff in there, that you could translate into any type of cool shader
cmtanko: thanks man! Ill post a few more in game shots soon
Subtle 1rony: Right. there is only 1 per channel, I was just showing progressive painting. Yep there is some tinting being used for the grime as well.
I was wondering how you have those mapped out. Like is the main roof part on it's own tiling texture, and the ends on a larger trim sheet, or do you have a section of the roof tiles that tile horizontally and the ends below... or some other way?
I'm planning out a pagoda type scene, and trying to figure out how to do the roof tiles which are a similar setup to yours.
Is the base done in Max and then an added "detail pass" in Zbrush? Or full on Zbrush?
Oh and superb work btw
m4dcow - thanks! here is how I layed them out. I tried to do just as flat as possible, so we could get easy reuse out of it if needed. The lower section in the unwrap is the small gutter piece. In hindsight, I could have done a lot more with them, but production is what it is
dtscultz - thanks man. Im glad you found it useful!
Jeff Parrott - Thanks a lot man
AbKl - thank you, my pleasure!
reiro and Jet Pilot - Sure thing. Yeah I do all my bases in Max beforehand. Its a better workflow for me personally. As for the specific trim piece, yeah I made it in max. Here is the base mesh as well as the low poly. The low poly strait piece came out to 36 tris
Thanks again !!
Ged Alphavader - Thanks! Im glad you guys liked it
dudealan2001 - Your friend is correct. We use bump offset on the underneath stones with the help of a height map to create the parallaxing effect
peanut - Thanks! Credit goes to Nick Donaldson who did the composing/lighting/post.