Hi gents!

Here is a Glock I've been working on between projects;
\\Update: Thinking about calling it done. Crits are still welcome;

Old model preview:

Also fp since somebody is bound to ask for it

Hopefully, this thread will motivate me to finish it sooner.
Oh, and I'm available for freelance btw.
You've even got the tilt back of the barrel from the recoil. Doesn't get much better.
Look forward to seeing your next project
How much of the modell is Floating geometry?
The rest is modeled in.
Did a 2k test bake with default render settings (making the normals map look a bit choppy in places). Lowpoly tricount is around 6k tris.
I'll add the rest of the details (text, logo etc.) in PS.
3point shader lite using 2 omni lights (blue, orange) and playing a bit with spec/gloss settings. Gradient in PS.
Best I can do for now. My PC has been acting up and I can't run max.
Textures up next.
Took a while because I had to format my PC
Edit: only strange spot i see is on the back of the slide. Looks like the piece is mirrored, and the left side baked occlusion. So it carried to the other side. Only little thing noticed really.
Edit2. But judging by the details on the back of the slide, It isn't mirrored. So i'm not sure whats going on there
With the suppressor on;
Edit: forgot to do the sight dots, so ignore those :P
My only crit would be that the slide and flashlight spec are far to similar to the handle. The pictures on google have those areas accentuated in specular. Although it may just be the lighting in your renders being a little flat. How's the spec look with some stronger lighting?
1. From all the Glocks I've seen with worn metal, Your have the "fading" down pretty well. Glocks don't tend have nice sharp crisp scratches and edge wear, But for the sake of interest and variety it might be worth putting in a few more..."dedicated"(for lack of a better word) spots of wear. Such as the ejection port edges, The outside of the chamber (part that has 9X19 on it), and the bottom edges of the slide perhaps. Specifically on the cut away where the slide release hooks up. Spots like that you could justify more than just fade, and still keep a pretty clean look if you kept it subtle, but crisp, and....concise (for lack of a better word).
2. Separate the "bare" metals further from the coated metal. Right now they appear almost the same, but the bare metal is lighter. From the looks of this ref, The bare metals diff would likely be a similar, or slightly darker value than the coated, The spec would be more intense, and perhaps a different Hue, and the gloss would be quite a bit higher than the coated. The reason i think this is because the reference shows the bare metals as mostly darker than the coated, except in direct reflections. Meaning the specular highlight/scatter is less than the coated and it's a smaller angle range in which you'd see actual highlighting. Could be wrong in that thought process, So take it for what you will ^^
3. Separate the silencer material a bit from the frame of the gun. As is sits they both seem to have a similar read to them. I feel like if i took the silencer off, and smacked it on the ground a bunch of times, it would ding and mar like plastic. Unconventional thought process maybe, but it helps me think of how a material looks to imagine how it feels/reacts. I'm not sure of your reference for this one, but whether it has that "rubbery" wrap look to it, or is pressed metal, it would be more specular and more glossy in either case. Right now it feels somewhat ambiguous and confusing.
4. It may be inaccurate, but maybe bump up the saturation on the Diff/spec and perhaps add a colorful oil soft lit over the maps on a very light opacity. Just to give it that little bit extra push in color.
That said!
5. love the separation between the frame and the laser sight. Subtle but very effective in declaring them different materials
6. Love the overall level of darkness and choice of values for the gun. Not black beyond recognition, But not so light that is was apparent you were going for a gunmetal grey. Nice balance struck i think.
7...Make the sights glowy night sights. People go ape shit for glowy stuff....seriously
Looking forward to finalized textures!
Echoing what tynew said, try and bring out the spec on the slide more contrast, also try and bring in some cast shadows in the render, what are you using to render/view it in?