i´m new to this forum, but read&watched a lot before. I´m not new to the digital art world and worked for 4 years now as an 2d-3dArtist. If someone is interested of what i´ve done before, i could link to antoher forumthread which contains my whole sketches and works from the past 7years. I don´t want to link to another forum in my first post and i don´t know if it´s forbidded here

I like to have everything on one Thread to see the whole "story" of an artist, so this is not about one project. I hope it´s ok? Also i´m from Germany/Hamburg, so excuse my lack of english

But nonetheless i´m here to push my 3d works to another level and so i can show you my own project i´m working on for a month now:
I always liked mechs and i´m totally into functionality and logic structure. I hope this can be seen in the sketches. I´m planning to bring it to UDK, simply to trigger some animations and play arround with shaders and postfx. But have nothing done with UDK before, but i guess i will find all answers here. First of all here are my last pages from sketchbook, where i planned parts of the mech:

This is the highpoly out of 3dsmax, which i seperately load to zbrush and add more details with ram brush and some stamp i created:

The actual lowpoly model. The skin is completely wip and now the next step i´m working on. In my imagine it´s more desert camouflaged with big seperated colored elements and realistic used look:

and the wire (~30000tris altogether). I don´t set a tight polycount limit to myself, so i created a all around uniform solution of polys +some more subs where it seams to be legit. The tubes could be optimized in the front but for now it´s ok for me:

But this outstrips my abilities.
But if possible, could you upload some slighly larger images, do it a bit more justice than 800x450
@JadeEyePanda: Thanks at the moment i starting to work on the texture, it wont be like that in the final.
@joeriv: yeah, i´m used to post smaller images due to other forums behavior and my hostspace... Also i guess it don´t worth it at the moment to post larger images and you would see all the small bake failures i´m fixing right now
@acapulco: ich dachte du machst kein 3D mehr
So this is one of three maps for the whole mech, it contains the cockpit, the hip an the rack:
For now i´m using xnormal because it´s quick and i didn´t build up a renderscene yet. I planned to use UDK for presentation, but never did anything with it, so i have to learn how this works first...
Some problem occur and i don´t now what´s the matter.
1: At some point i playing arround with lightsettings, some parts of the mesh gets dark and styed like this... i saved the scene and after restart it was all normal. Is there a known cause for that?
2: There are some lighting problems (was in xnormal too, but not in 3dsmax) on the geometrie i can´t find the problem. The radar thingy and the hatch from the weaponrack got this misterious radial gradient lighting... the normal map is flat at these spots ...there are no open vertices...
3: At this point there is no problem, but it´s the same style of geometrie like in 1...
Anybody know what this could be? A problem with *.obj triangulation?
in the third map i will add the drone and new weapons from the sketches
anyone know a solution for the problem above?
In marmoset go into view, check invert y under normal maps and click apply, should fix your problem.
I tried but the strange is the normal map has nothing to do with this effect, even without normalmap it shows the radialgradient. Something is going wrong at the export... the smoothing groups are okay, no open seams/double vertices, STL check=ok, resetXFormed, no flipped polygons, slide the vertices a bit so it´s not perfectly flat, i don´t know why it should show such a radial gradiant by lighting.
Any thought i didn´t think of? it didn´t look like a lighting map in 2nd uvchannel, it´s not object spaced normal...
i finally found something what should be the matter, but why it is like it is, i don´t know:
i unchecked "export normals" in 3dsmax so xnormal/marmoset have to recalculate the normal/binormal/tangent by itself and i finally got the right result in the viewer!
i have to check if this affects the baking progress in xnormal, so i get cleaner results at some parts...
In the real world i would agree, legs are fragile, have too many moving parts and hard to protect from all sides. Also the weapon should be mounted as high as possible and the ammunition to the back... et voila we would have a tank
@Iciban: Thank you.
But the only True Nit-Pic I can see is that a lot of the bakes did not come out very well. Some of the metal seams are hit the hardest. I would say "Screw it" and just throw in an extra 16 polys, in those needed curves to help the bakes. Like add some polys around the front head section and in those areas where the metal seams are bent out of shape.
(link to another forum allowed?)
@RailbladerX: Thank you. I also have a lot of bake failures, which i will prevent in future projects. I did only minor texture corrections, but changed nothing on the LP now. While rendering i noticed some of these spots where it could have more subs, but it´s ok for now and for my own
a little speedpaint from my slate, while the desk pc is rendering the mech scene...
aaand the animation, which i´m not really satisfied with, but okay to see how the mech works/behave:
On that note could we see your texture maps please
sketchfab (sketchfab embed link dont work?):
Piece i´m working on right now:
part of this project:
First i built a lowpoly body on which i added more and more plating. The suit should be pretty tight to the body, so it shouldn´t be that much armor-looking like in my first rough blockout i made:
Now i reduced much of the leg and arm protection and only leave some knee and elbow protection which will be integrated into the suit-hull. The red object around the hips is an EVA extender, which is not constantly part of the suit. This is what i will do for toady and continue tomorrow. I have some specific imagine of some parts, but have to see how i´ll continue with this or how the workflow will be.
I don´t know if to work with different material-sets for each surface to gain more crisp details (+decals) or bake in a traditional way 2-3 maps?!
Any critic for problems that could occur with the pose or the design are welcome!
edit: all the cloth layers in an overview:
How did you create the wear? Did you use a mask for that on the base mesh and blend tiling textures?
The space suite looks good too. First I thought the "bunny ears" don't fit, but read the name later.
I would raise the backside of the eva extender a bit, backpack like.
Do decals work well on characters? Could imagine they cause issues when transforming.
I know the suit is a bit a type of clichee, don´t know if i will stay with the bunny theme. I have to see how the EVA extender developes. It should only be a "small" accessoires, operating on the center of mass and let the body still be flexible. Also it compensates the broad shoulder pads to look more female.
I´ll see if the decals work well, at least i try to place them on spots were not much distortion is happening. For bigger decals i will follow the underlying geometry.
Today i worked on the hip region. The "panties" won´t get the color of the chest. I created each material with a certain ability, like the yellow chest is more stiff and armory while the padded, shiny black material suggests a flexible protection. The bright grey material is more stretchy:
for this first detailpass hands, neck and helmet are missing: