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[CE3] Wrecked Apartment



  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Great stuff, this is looking rad!

    Tonemapper/saturation looks a bit wrong though, could be toned down a bit imo :)
  • Boyo
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    Boyo polycounter lvl 8
    That's f... awesome. :D
    the parquet is really shiny though, on the last screenshot.
    Could you give more details on how you managed the lighting please?
  • Mangled Poly
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    Mangled Poly polycounter lvl 18
    This is looking amazing.. love watching this progress!
  • R00
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    R00 polycounter lvl 13
    Love the latest update!

    Maybe you could add some dirt buildup where the skirting board meets the floor.


    You can probably fake with the AO, but thats my 2 cents in for now :)
  • DesignByKivi
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    DesignByKivi polycounter lvl 11
    Disting wrote: »

    Oh boy.

    For a moment there from the thumbnails I was fooled.
    "Nice reference photos you´ve got there."
    *Clicks thumbnail to enlarge the image*
    *Jaw drops*
    "Oh.. they´re actually in engine, sweet!"

    Great job Disting!
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    You are a magnificent goddamn bastard. You have blown my mind good sir.
  • toren3d
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    toren3d polycounter lvl 7
    This looks great! This is kind of a side note, something I've noticed, but it's amazing how much more crisp CE3 seems to be than UDK. I feel like I would have to use 4096's for everything to get this sharpness in Unreal. I don't mean for that to degrade from your efforts, I mean that as a compliment. There is terrific material definition, like the others have said.

    My only critique would be, your title is "Wrecked Apartment" but things don't look so wrecked. I haven't read each post, so you may have changed your direction on that, but I would add a lot more scattered objects (books fallen from the shelves, framed pictures skewed, etc).
  • DesignByKivi
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    DesignByKivi polycounter lvl 11
    toren3d wrote: »
    My only critique would be, your title is "Wrecked Apartment" but things don't look so wrecked. I haven't read each post, so you may have changed your direction on that, but I would add a lot more scattered objects (books fallen from the shelves, framed pictures skewed, etc).
    Disting wrote: »
    So far I've just made a couple of props and some of the base elements of the apartment, and it's looking quite clean and un-wrecked, but that'll change later on.

    I´m actually looking forward to the whole "wrecking" process. I think I asked him on stream if he was going to use dDo batch tools for it, apparently not. Really interested in seeing your process/pipeline on that.
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    You said that Computer model had no high poly bake. How did you get it to look like it does? Is that just a few bevels on the edges?

    Looking awesome so far.
  • Logithx
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    Logithx polycounter lvl 5
    Looking really good, keep it up! Starting to get jealous of that real-time lighting.. I'm still forced to stay in the lightmap universe. :)
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Wow that's unbelievable. I would really like to know how you got such high-res, crisp looking materials/models! Great work dude.
  • synergy11
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    synergy11 polycounter lvl 6
    Great work.

    Can you show how you set up your UV's for your wooden table?
  • shinobix
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    shinobix polycounter lvl 16
    Your CRT monitor on the right is intersecting with the little pile of books next to it. Just a heads up :D
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    How are you handling the nice shiny metal materials? Cubemaps, or just SSR, or something else?
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you all so very much for all the nice comments and feedback! I really appreciate it and I am taking as much of it as I can into consideration when working on it!

    @Joopson: On certain objects I'm using cubemaps and on others SSR. :)

    @shinobix: Thanks a bunch! I completely missed that. :D

    @synergy11: Sure! I'll do a breakdown/post mortem once I'm done with the environment. Can include it there. :)

    PogoP: Thank you! As mentioned in the original post I am mainly working with nDo2 and dDo for the material definition of my textures. I'm making a lot of the normals with nDo2, so a lot of the crispness and definition in the textures come from fine normal details combined with a lot of soft, large and subtle surface variations from nDo2. Also, most of the subtle material details added with dDo are automatically added to the normal map, creating even more crisp material definition. I hope that helps!

    @Hayden Zammit: Yeah, no bake! Just a lowpoly mesh with some beveled edges -- the rest is just nDo2. :)

    @polycrunch: Great suggestion! Thanks! I've gone ahead and tweaked the SSAO, and I think it looks better now. Please lemme know what you think!

    Started wrecking the apartment a bit, please let me know what you think!


    Again, thank you all for the comments and feedback!
  • Endfinity Jon
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    Endfinity Jon polycounter lvl 8
    I'm super impressed with your progress and ability to work in comments and critique! This is already a great piece and I know you still have some things you'd like to continue working on.

    I'm more focused on lighting/mood, but I will say that some of the dirt and grunge looks great but I'm not as big on the staining around the upside-down "A". It just stands out more because most of your work is pretty subtle.

    I was happy to see how well you executed making the far right room more diffused, it looks like it's on the shadow side of the house now. I've always felt that diffused light is pretty hard to pull off but it's working well here, very natural. I also like the darkened back room and slight color shift to separate it from the entry. Again, not sure if you're using DOF, but a minor amount might could help your door pop off of that background room a bit more.

    The only thing left to consider is your kitchen now. While most of the space feels directional and real, your kitchen is receiving a lot of light, seemingly flattening it out. It looks pretty washed with overhead light and the ambience is filling the space too evenly. I'd adjust the attenuation so that the strength of the light falls off a bit more as it reaches the floor. This might need to be a material adjustment too, maybe the floor is too white to begin with so it's taking a ton of light. Either way, I think the floor is washed out, looks like the counter is sorta floating and if there's anything you can do to add some depth to the back splash under the cabinets, it would really help.

    Minor stuff :)

    Great work!
    - Jon
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    God damn this has come a long way, It's a pleasure to follow this!

    I'm not sure what kind of crits you're looking for but I'll ramble away and pick on anything I can find in no particular order.


    I know concepts are only guidelines, and don't necessarily need to be followed 1to1, in fact sometimes some stuff in concept art don't even work in 3D. With that said tho, there's some aspects of the concept art that I think would transfer to your scene really well and I would definitely try to do it.

    From the above picture:
    1. You should add some fog and intensify the air thickness of the overall scene. Right now, other than the perspective, it's really hard for the viewer to have a sense of depth for the scene, mainly because the shades of the ambient light are the same throughout the foreground, midground and background, some fog would remedy this, just like the concept where the fog is actually pretty thick.
    Also, you should add a light shaft, it would help adding thickness to the scene, and increasing the dusty look, looks great in the concept at least.

    2. It's a follow up to the first point in regards to atmosphere thickness and fog, notice how in the concept art there's no perfect blacks. Are you using filmic tonemmapper? It looks like you are, so just tweak it's values and decrease the contrast of the shadows.

    3. Darken up the brightness of the ceiling (should be a rule of thumb to pretty much all interior game environments, the brightness of the top of the image should be inferior to the bottom.
    What I am trying to say is, try and introduce a gradient to the scene, even if in the concept art the vertical brightness is very even, it always helps in game scenes to introduce vertical gradients.
    (You can actually use an actual gradient filter as post process, I used that in my scene and so did Jordan Walker on his bathhouse scene. Open it up and see what materials he used, very cool stuff there)

    Also, still in lighting, I would move the light a little bit to the right so it lightens more of the environment. At the moment the angle is pretty straight; try to rotate the d/s light some 25 degrees to the right like the concept.
    Also, very nitpicky but you think you could move the camera back and decrease the FoV to like 70 or so? You would get rid of some of the skewed effect you got going in the extremities of the image, like the door.

    To finish up the scene, I would increase the what I like to call "high frequency detail" within the scene, aka the fun stuff! Try and spread some more little debris in the floor. See that paper pile in the corner next to the chair? spread a 3 or 4 pages around the chair.

    EDIT: Holy shit I just realized this is using CE3! rotfl! For some reason I thought you were using UDK. big freakign facepalm
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    New destruction is looking nice. Are they decals or did you go back and add Vertex Colors for a blend layer? Congrats on the Crytek Twitter post too :thumbup: Looking forward to seeing more
  • karatekodden
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    karatekodden polycounter lvl 7
    Nice! Looking pretty sweet so far.
    I guess you are using the time of day to light up your scene at the moment? What you could do is to use a vizarea with portals for the windows and light up the scene using pointlights instead. Then you can get that nice fading that you see on the floor using a projector in the light properties and you get more control over the light sources. Also try to get a nice reflection on the glass thats on the shelves, and some blue lights from the sky. You can also tweak colors by using a colorgrading in the engine.

    What might help bring the scene togehter and rest the eye a little is to desaturate and darken the floor a tiny bit more close the concept.

    Keep up the good work!
  • looprix
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    looprix polycounter lvl 8
    Nice photographs ;)
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Looking great Wiktor! Love the updates.

    Also HP I love that way of doing crits! Really straight forward and easy to spot out. Gonna swipe that from you. Thanks!
  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    This is looking great Wiktor, can't wait to see it finished. @HP has provided some great feedback.

    One thing that has been bugging me from the start but no one has picked up on yet is the way the door is positioned, it doesn't look like it's hinged from the correct place. I realise it looks similar in the concept but on closer inspection it looks like the door in the concept is completely off it's top hinges.
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Wow, I'm really blown away by all your kind words and the constructive and thorough critique!

    @Endfinity Jon: Much appreciated! I've gone ahead and made the stains around the upside down A a bit more subtle. I tried adding some DoF to the scene, but it really interfered with the exterior so I had to disable it. I've worked a bit on the lighting and color grading and I think I've managed create more depth that way. Please let me know what you think! I've also gone ahead and worked a bit on the lighting in the kitchen and made the floor a bit darker to look less blown out. Hope you like the changes!

    @[HP]: HUGE thanks for those crits! They really, really help! I've started implementing a couple of them already, and I'll definitely be keeping the rest in mind as I continue working on the scene. Again, HUGE thanks! :D

    @Grimmstrom: Thanks a bunch for that! I hadn't actually noticed that it was unhinged at the top! I've adjusted that now. Just gotta add the actual hinges now ;) Cheers!

    @karatekodden: Huge fan of your hacker environment! I am using the time of day to light my scene now, indeed! I tried the novis area, but it interferes with the curtains in the computer room (only the sun shines through! >.<) I then tried only encasing the main room in the novis area, which led to everything outside of it becoming invisible. Is there some trick here that can help me work around this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Here are some updated shots of the environment. Still lots to do in terms of prop creation and lighting, but I feel it's going in the right direction thanks to all the great feedback I'm receiving!


    Started working on a basic exterior. The facades were created with nDo2. They're a bit clean right now, and I'm working on making them dirtier, as well as creating more building types and exterior props.

    Again, thank you all for the great comments! Really helps me keep motivated! :)
  • Kitty|Owl
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    Kitty|Owl polycounter lvl 3
    done a great job at recreating the scene, its definitely going in the right direction :).

    a few thoughts: (i bullet point to save time)
    * lighting still needs work, theres alot of contrast in the scene whereas the original concept has quite soft lighting.
    * I think you need to work a bit more on the material definition as well. an example is that its difficult to tell the difference between the metal material on the far left and the wooden bookcase material.
    * some of the items in the scene (mostly on the walls) seem to be floating as they have no contact shadows with the environment.

    as for overall lighting:
    *the apartment needs to get progressively darker further away from the light in the scene. at the moment the shadowed areas are a uniform brightness across the image with no real contrast differences (even though the albedo/saturation contrast seems very high).

    I would:
    * flatten out the image (remove any post process contrast and also look at the tonemapping settings (the 'film curve' settings in cryengine).
    * remove any artificial light sources.
    * then work in clear gradients from light areas to dark areas of natural light.
    * place back in the artificial sources. (its not necessary to work the gradients for them if you dont think its required)

    next step would be to get some particle effects in there to replicate the atmospherics of the place :)

    for post process, never add contrast as that's what the engines tonemapper is for.
    if you want colour grading only adjust the colours (i normally try replicate a film stocks colour responses, no instagram) but be subtle.

    less is more when it comes to post ;)

    anyway keep it up its looking really promising :thumbup:
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    great job man very inspiring!
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    I absolutely LOVE this last update!
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Cardiac arrest.....Yep. That'll do it.

    Epic work man! Looking forward to the next shots you have in store :)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Wow, thank you so much everyone! :D

    @Kitty|Owl: Really great feedback! Hugely appreciated!
    * I've tried reducing the contrast slightly and also balance the lighting a bit more. Hope this helped!
    * I've tweaked a bunch of textures and shaders (not the bookshelves yet, though!), both to blend them together better and to, as you say, improve the material definition.
    * This was a very good point you made, and is something that has been bothering me for quite some time! I've sat down with it now though, and I think I came up with a pretty nice solution and it looks pretty cool! Thanks for this!

    * I've done a bunch of zooming out, desaturating, averaging colors etc, and I think I've managed to balance the lighting out better than it was before. Any input here is greatly appreciated!

    Again, thank you Kitty|Owl! :D

    This update isn't very huge in terms of new models/textures/props. It's more of a lighting, post process, composition and filler prop update. Kind of transitioning into the polish pass now. Always feel bad when posting updates in this phase because they aren't as "big" ^^. Hope you'll like it!


  • pixelpatron
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  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    I like the angle of the door light in the concept. Its a lot more dramatic. Yours is parallel with the walls and in a more geometric plane. Boring.
    Its overall a little bright. I both like that and dont. I like it because its clean and its just very much more realistic. I dont because it doesnt give it much mood. Computer room area could be darker.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Looks great, love the new lighting!
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Me too, really cool!
  • Kitty|Owl
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    Kitty|Owl polycounter lvl 3
    lighting is looking better, could still push the contrast between light and dark a bit more but the scene is working a lot better now awesome work :D;)
    I agree with angling the sunlight more as well through the doorway. this is going to end up fantastic im sure :)
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    looking great! Disting- comming along very nicely. I really like what you did with adding the blue light coming from the monitor-- nice!

    just cross posting my reply from your post on WAYWO thread :B
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Amazing work!! wow!
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    ILLMATICC polycounter lvl 6
    Awesome work man, the lighting/composition is fantastic. Skill envy!
  • Logithx
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    Logithx polycounter lvl 5
    Looks great, only thing that feels off are the cardboard boxes, the specularity just doesn't seem right. Looks almost like plastic because of the sharp edge highlights.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    only thing that looks wrong to me is the coving its too dark/muddy... maybe an ssao issue

    everything else looks cool
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Everything looks spectacular, the only thing that kinda gets to me (mentioned above as well) is the cardboard boxes, not sure why, maybe because it seems to be just one color and "lacks" texture to it. Not all cardboard boxes are like this but these grooves would make add some more to it cardboard-box.jpg

    It's really a minor thing and doesn't need to be changed but just a suggestion :D
  • CougarJo
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    CougarJo polycounter lvl 6
    Wow! Great work :D I love all the little details you put in the scene!
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you ALL so very kindly for your time, help, crits and kind words! You've made this project such a blast to work on!

    So, I have to call this done now, and even though I feel I could've worked even more on it, I need to move on to other tasks.

    It's been a really, really educational project for me and I've learned to use nDo2 and dDo in a much more versatile way. I did succeed in texturing pretty much everything with them, and it saved me a HUGE amount of time, so.. MISSION SUCCESS! ^^

    I will start working on a breakdown/post-mortem of this project immediately, and post next week. :)

    Here are the final renders of the environment (heavy images, sorry!)








    And a flythrough! :D

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2gOlFa99lE&quot;]Wrecked Apartment (NDO & DDO) - YouTube[/ame]

    Again, thank you all!
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Incredibly inspirational man! I absolutely love it, you're on the top of your game bro, *brofist*!

    I love everything from the lighting, to the overall look all the way to the high frequency details of the textures.

    If I could point out something, is that the DoF is a little bit exaggerated in some of the shots, (and I don't think it's adding much, specially being so strong) not even a 1.2/f lenses would have such an narrow range, they would if they had their focus on something closer to the lenses and on focus, so if you wan't to simulate realistic DoF from a camera lenses you need to have stuff closer to the foreground, the biggest offender is this shot, the blurryness spreads to the walls and realistic photography would never behave like this, making the shot look off, at least for me, the others shots are not too bad. :)

    What I would do, is reduce drastically the strong DoF in most of the shots, leave them nice and crisp so we can look at the art, and have a couple of very stylized/"photographic"/arty like angles, make use of the rule of thirds to make a cool composition and add strong FoV to those to REALLY make them pop, make the DoF help not work agaisnt it, something like this, or this or this.

    Congtatulations again Wiktor, amazing demonstration of talent and hard work to make this in just a few weeks.

    10/10 would bang.
  • shabba
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    shabba polycounter lvl 15
    Wiktor this is really great work! I love it all, really great material definition, and something interesting pretty much everywhere my eye falls. My favourite shot is the office shot from the floor, the cool and warm colours are really great.

    If I had to say anything I would say the second shot of the hall where the powerbar/plug is sort of a focal point. I feel like the powerbar and plug doesnt really seem finished? And kind of ruins that angle for me.

    I cant wait to see your breakdown. I was hoping you had of streamed the final stages with lighting and polish too, but what can ya do! :)

    Thank you for posting this, and thanks ahead of time for creating a breakdown. Really top notch work, and I look forward to seeing it in the Recap!
  • Steve_T
    Wow this has come on immensely since the last time i saw you live streaming it... Awesome job!

    what software are you using to preview individual assets? (pc and table on pg2)
  • Hourences
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    Hourences polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great Wiktor :)
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Great job Wiktor. The final images are awesome, especially with CryEngine's really nice DoF. Did you just set your custom res and do r_getscreenshot?

    Looking forward to the breakdown :thumbup:
  • gartht3d
    Congrats on this Wiktor. It's one of the best modern environments I've seen. I'd love to see a quick tutorial on how you made your floor texture and material into CE3. That would be super helpful.
    This has gone into my 'get this good' bookmark folder:P

    One quick question, how long did this take you? from start to completion?

  • Sir Apple
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    Sir Apple polycounter lvl 8
    One of the best CE3 scenes I've seen. Phenomenal work :)

    /Inspiration folder
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Loved it so much, good job!!
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    stunning stuff, I agree that the DOF is too much in some of the shots, all that beautiful work that you put into the apartment feels like a background to a prop vignette in some cases, let the whole thing shine, it deserves to.
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