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UDK Animation Problem (Character looks like Slenderman)

I'm having an issue when I uncheck Anim Rotation Only in the anim set. I'm doing this because if I don't the hip bone which is also my characters root bone will not animate causing their feet to slide back in forth instead of their hips.

In the anim editor the animations play fine. I also compressed the animations after I unchecked anim rotation only so I have no errors or warnings. I have also saved package after making all of these changes that didn't help either.


However they look like this when they play in game.



  • jaker3278
    Offline / Send Message
    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    looks cool you should leave it. :)
  • Mrfred
    Offline / Send Message
    Mrfred polycounter lvl 4
    This look like a scale issue on the joint/ one which software are you using ?
    That... Or the anim wasnt exported with the same skeleton size
  • MiAlx
    Offline / Send Message
    MiAlx polycounter lvl 10
    Is the mesh just scaling and the bones stay in place or is actually the bones that scale.? Looks like the latter. Do you have scale values on any joint, apart from the root bone? Or worse: keyed scaling? AFAIK most engines don't support bone scaling and that most probably is the culprit here.

    Try checking the skeleton for scaling and set the scaled joints back to the value of 1, if you find them (again apart from the root). In case the skeleton was scaled in various places to fit the model:

    In maya: Detach the model from the skeleton with "keep history" enabled. Select root -> select hierarchy -> freeze transformations. Rebind the model and export the fbx.

    If you use any other software, you should be able to do similar, if not the same thing. But the important thing is to eliminate any redundant scaling.

    Hope that helped.

    edit: also another possibility is what Mrfred said. See if your default skelmesh has a different size compared to the skeleton in the AnimSet.
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