Hey guys,
I started building up a basic assortment of patterns to use in photoshop that I thought I'd share. They're pretty straightforward: dots, stripes, hatching, hexagons, chainmail, brick, etc.
Here's the file:
Copy the file to your presets/patterns folder in photoshop.
To use a pattern:
1. Create new layer
2. click on the add adjustment layer icon which is right next to the folder/group icon in your layers panel
3. select pattern...
4. click the presets/gear icon and select load patterns or it should appear in the patterns on the bottom of the list.
The reasoning behind this was I kept finding myself recreating typical patterns for use on textures or certain materials; hex patterns, striping, bumped grips. So instead of making these from scratch every time I decided it'd be easiest to make an assortment of patterns to plug in whenever I needed them. They scale, they tile, and they're simple.
Hopefully someone finds this helpful!