Ok seriously this is really starting to annoy me.
Ever since we got 2014 at work, the view shortcuts randomly stop working properly.
Here's a lovely example:
This is what happens when I press 'F' for Front View:

It happened to me multiple times with multiple views(Left, Top) on multiple meshes/max files.
This is slowly driving me insane.
And yes, I installed the first hotfix.
You can turn off "keyboard shortcut override" it will tell max that the sub-menu commands do NOT override the max commands. It's in the main toolbar up top, it looks like a key with an up arrow on it.
But 2014 is more like Service Pack 2 for 2012. The first service pack was 2013... heh.
@dustinbrown: Yeah well I was too. With that and the 'every rollout must be from left to right', the expert mode toggle (sometimes) messing up and the shift click for loop gone, 2014 is reaaally letting me down so far.
Perspective match is neat-ish, but that's hardly worth the upgrade.