Hey all,
Feeling pretty dumb right now but I need some advice regarding the UV unwrapping of chamfered objects like the one I posted below.

On this I've applied a cylindrical mapping then tweaked the UV's size manually but there's some waving still...I've tried flattening the UV's by material Id as well but in the results, the chamfered element were being separated from the rest and shown as circle...didn't imagine having to stitch all that. Is there an efficient way to do this ? I'm using max right now, but I hears that some tools like roadkill or texTools could be useful as well?
Any tips would be great, I seem to always be struggling with these type of shapes (and uv's in general but I guess that's another story !:)
Can you show your current UVs btw?
my UV's currently look like that (I heard there was an option in older Max version to resize / make non-straight sides planar but haven't found it)
With that said, why did you model those small details in? Are you using normal maps? If you are using normal maps then modeling in small shapes and details like this is a waste of resources.
But usually I would just have done a low poly, then I would have just created a normal by hand in photoshop and that's it...trying new things and having hard times I guess