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Lost Fountain - UDK

Hello Polycounters,

finally finished this small scene I started a long long time ago. I used 3DS Max, Zbrush, Photoshop and of course UDK for the creation. Enjoy and feedback is very welcome.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybjIeIvEX4U"]Lost Fountain - UDK Realtime Render - YouTube[/ame]













  • JamieRIOT
    Offline / Send Message
    JamieRIOT polycounter lvl 6
    Good work. A few things I noticed:
    - The brick pillars that the iron gate is fixed to look they the aren't attached to the ground/don't look sturdy and solid.
    - There is something bugging me about the tree leaves. Possibly too much contrast or higher pixel density?
    - The sculptures nipples have fallen off!
    Little tweaks really. Keep it up.
    Really nice scene. I've been wanting to create a similar environment for quite a long time.

    I agree with the points Jamie raised. I would also look into using some depth of field. Only reason i say this is because there are a few areas in the background that seem to be quite 'empty'. As if it's just sky. Perhaps a few tree alpha cards to fill those areas in?

    Looking really good overall. I especially like your iron work and your grass. All the best! :)
  • Benton
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    Lighting looks a little dark, I wonder if you could push it by making the bright areas a little brighter? Might pop a little more. Very cool scene though.
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    Great scene!
    I love how organic the placement of everything feels.
    Two thing that stood out to me:

    >The tree bark texture you have in the first image looks off. It feels too noise, as if it where a procedural 3d noise.

    >This is just my opinion but you could tone down the sun shafts a tad.
    They're overpowering the image. While they add atmosphere we want to see your excellent work and not an effect that comes with the engine.

    Great work and nice display of wires!
  • ManfredP
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    @jamieriot: The nipples haven't fallen off ... the zbrush shot is actually a wip because I don't have zbrush installed at the moment. But will add the final as soon as possible ... and this one should have nipples ;)

    @lankus maximus: Really good idea with the tree alpha cards ... why didn't I think of that. Need to experiment with DOF a bit more, haven't found a satisfying setting yet.

    @benton: I'll look into that thanks

    @nomadsoul: busted ... the tree bark is definitely not my best work
  • DWalker
    Offline / Send Message
    The god rays in the fourth picture have some serious banding artifacts.

    The tree leaves could use a little love. At the moment, they appear to be an undifferentiated green in most shots. Perhaps increasing the contrast of the veins would be enough. Also, when back lit, they should be semi-translucent, passing most of the light through.
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