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PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit*

polycounter lvl 8
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Madzia polycounter lvl 8

PACT *Professional Artist-Client Toolkit*

Hi guys! I hope you have a while and you can check this awesome campaign created by amazing artist who want a change for the better in illustration industry. A lot of 2D artist is around and I think it is really important to participate.

Even if you're not interested in contributing you can listen to discussion panel they had at Illuxcon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pif3Zv4RLQY&feature=youtu.be harsh truth about illustrator work


  • Madzia
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    Madzia polycounter lvl 8
    Lot of people complain about work standards for an artist but when somebody try to fight for a better future there's not much responses. I can at least don't let this thread to sank :D

    "Hey everyone! Some of you have probably heard of PACT but for those who haven’t you should check it out. “PACT is an organization dedicated to improving the working standards for illustrators" and right now they’re trying to raise funds to create a website as a hub for artists to interact, rate clients, get higher wages, etc. Unfortunately their indiegogo campaign is doing badly and is only a fraction of what they need. The post below is quoted from one of the head organizers of PACT and the stern tone of what he’s written is completely understandable. If you can’t donate please at least share this message to spread it around. Thanks." -Jason Piperberg

    By Jim Pavelec:
    I think I need to make something clear. If we do not get funded, there will be no PACT. We will not try again at a lower donation goal. We will not go around to conventions trying to build up support one person at a time. This is it. All or nothing. If we don’t make it everything gets shut down. That means no website, no lawyers, not even this fb page anymore.
    You have high and low expectations when you start one of these things. So far, the amount of support on the Indiegogo has completely blown my lowest expectations out of the water.
    This project is not something that I desperately need to do, it’s something that you all desperately need done for you. I know that probably sounds arrogant and pompous, but it’s true.
    Please think long and hard about the ramifications of this project not being a success. If you think things are bad now, what’s going to happen when the bean counters and powers-that-be see that we couldn’t even band together on something like this.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Madzia wrote: »
    Lot of people complain about work standards for an artist but when somebody try to fight for a better future there's not much responses. I can at least don't let this thread to sank :D

    You want a better future as a freelance illustrator? Hire an agent who can tap international markets or supplement your freelancing with another art job like teaching.

    Serious! If you just rely on a tight market like the U.S. fantasy illustration market it's not going to be manageable for long. I've listened to that PACT panel before. These guys are top of their field. Legends even. But it seems they're all chasing the same clients and still expect to get high compensation when the reality is there's a constant flow of incoming talent who can tolerate lower fees. That's really the root of their cause. They're freelancers with their own studios so it's not really about their work environments like 3rd world factory worker issues, right? When you or they say "work standards" it's really about sagging rates from the commissioning companies.

    Big Illustration Part Time podcast. Membership fees not required. One of the hosts was having a hard time on his own getting jobs. Only when he had an agent did he get his footing back. Surprisingly a lot of his new clients are European based. He didn't know that before having an agent.
  • Madzia
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    Madzia polycounter lvl 8
    Art isn't mechanical, factory work, it's not like anybody can do it, without any education and practice.

  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Just backed this today, hoping it reaches the last bit of its funding, not long left! If any of you fellow PC'ers could contribute that would be great, as i think this could be a really handy tool for the community to have access to and keep records of good people to work with in our industry.
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