Hey all. I know this has been modeled to death but I am new to modeling and wanna stretch my abilities a little bit.
I'm working on a cqb version M4 with rails and an acog scope.
Here's my progress on day 1. I had ALOT of trouble with just the handle, which is embarrassing to admit, but I'm not used to making shapes like this and I've learned alot with the help of you guys

So that's pretty much why not alot has been finished today. Im sure more problems will arise as I've never been more focused to details on a model before.
Here's what I have so far for the grip and lower receiver (I'm making the upper/lower receivers two separate meshes for the highpoly model, Im assuming that's how it's done.)

My next issue is, I cannot use a symmetry modifier on the lower receiver anymore because the magazine well has slightly different features on each side.
How would I go about modeling these parts?
Would they be floating geometry? or should I cut them into the mesh of the lower receiver? (if so, how would I add/terminate supporting edges?)

Start by blocking out everything. WHat I mean, whith this is, get the forms and shpes right, dont worry about how things look. Use tris, use quads, use ngons. Whatever it takes.
When you are done with the blockout, and are ahappy with the porportions of everything, then you start tackling the hipoly parts. adding geometry where needed or adding control edges. You will see it is more nice to work this way.
I've noted some problem areas for me.
The delta ring scale looks off to me, not sure.
The buffer tube looks too small (fixing this as we speak)
The magazine isnt finalized at all.
The front sight will be a challenge.
The flash hider will be a challenge.
Not sure what to do with the stock yet.
Havent decided if I want a rear iron sight or a scope of some sort.
Also, in this picture, Im having difficulties matching the scale of the buffer tube attachment to the lower receiver..
should I carve into the model or use floating geometry for these parts?
one last thing before i bore you to death with my long paragraphs if you are going for CQB do not put a ACOG site on there i would use and eotech holo site or reddot. and also on the CQB front use a shorter barrel and add a grip like this
or just google cqb m4 as they would not use the stock components for close quarters being a rifle and all :P
i hope this helped
I started modeling in 2011 and learned the highpoly to lowpoly procedures starting in december 2012 (before that I made really crappy low polygon models lol) So like...6 months? I wanted a challenge I guess haha
Ive done a few tutorials here and there and I have checked out that thread, I'll look through it deeper to see if I find anything :thumbup:
That thing on the back of the lower receiver (where the buffer tube's gonna be) should also be welded.
Oh before anything else, some of the edges are sharp, especially on the magwell mouth, try softening it up a bit more to make it more tactile once you bake it down to lowres.
On reference picture. You won't get a great, perfectly flat image even on hires images. Chances are 99% of the gun refs have a lens perspective on it. It won't perfectly line up in any ortho views so you have to trust you eyeballing skills.
Awesome! Thanks!
Here's the wires
should I have done those screws/bolts as floating geo or modelled them in?
My next things to do:
1. Block out the rails on the upper receiver
2. Create the charging handle/ forward assist
3. everything else.. lol
Also having a ton of problems getting the ejection port and dust cover areas done..
the area where the cylindrical shape meets the ejection port is really hard to get supporting geo in there without pinching
yikes, that'll take some work haha. Thank you though!
Can I see yours?
told you they weren't good renders :P
it had some issues with pinching and stuff, and ive moved onto other things. but i hope you and some others can learn from my mistakes in order to get good looking models!
yeah, i mean make them in the same geometry. just incase someone here hasnt seen it (that would be suprising) http://vimeo.com/10941211 this video explains it well.
ah, well you havent seen the wires!
cool m-16, looks like the vietnam era version!
maybe later, i was going for the M16A1 vietnam version. those are older renders as well, so it looks a bit different at the moment. ive sort of stopped working on it now anyway.
if you can, it's no big deal if you can or cant bud. Thank you for the help tho!
Not sure if I wanna start on the stock or the barrel..
I know the front iron sight is going to give me loads of trouble.
ready to scrap this whole project and hide under a rock.
Im having extensive amounts of difficulty adding the forward assist into the upper receiver