i really like all the individual parts!
really well done.
the composition of all the parts could be a bit more balanced especially the contrast.
some parts have a really dark stone material and some are very bright.
Your models look ok which means pretty well done, nothing more to add. But texturing on rocks need some work. it looks more like concrete now, should probably take reference on rock photos. Keep it up, i'm looking forward to see more.
Hey Damian, the diorama is nice but the stones looks like they've been placed with hand to there. So basically it doesn't looks natural to me. You should make some smaller stones too. But other than this , I like it. I can't really say anything to the house, because its in a very early stage atm. The bricks normals looks converted photo to me, but maybe I'm wrong. Keep going
Hah, thanks. About stones, yep, I planned to do smaller stones, but it was end of week, and I wanted to move to new projects. But I'll keep that in mind.
About normals, yep, they are photo converted, propably gonna sculpt and bake it from HP. For now I want to work on modularity and assets, the I'll go to textures.
Love your work man. I've been working in Unity for the last 4 years and this has inspired me once more to start learning UDK. Keep it up! Also digging your rock sculpts and foliage.
Finally someone stop by Thanks. Unity isnt bad, especially if you have programmer working with you (for shaders). It's Cryengine now, but I want to transfer this later into UE4 (dont have time to do that yet)/
This is shaping up really nicely, cannot wait to see it finished. The only thing I don't like is the thatched roof texture, it seems very chaotic, the straws going in every direction. I think it'd look much better if the straws where all going somewhat downwards, like in the first image here: http://www.westergrenart.com/blog/interior
Still WIP. I would appreciate some advice as for level design. Overpaintings or soemthing.
Texture for trees is not finished. I just putted color and AO there.
Its dead. Im more to Fantasy/Medieval than to real life worlds. Sorry. But I keep in mind this. I just need more experience in level design to do such work.
And scene from Division will be done, I just need more experience. Trust me.
Ok, guys. I now there was no updates since 2 weeks propably, but as I promised: sunday, so here you are.
It was a long time, but lot of things happened. And maybe you will see not much difference. But there is more (hidden ). Im just posting this becuase I know people are waiting. And its really nice. Im posting this becuase to show you that Im still working on this. And Ill finish it no matter what.
Plan of village was redone 3 times. With WorldMachine. And last time I found concept from Witcher 3, some small village overwiew. So Ill stick with it.
Next: vegetation. Im doing it one more time. I mean 1st vegetation system was very even. With colors, and shapes. I did a grass once again: and its not like what I wondered. So I'll do grass system once, last time.
Trees: I made new trees, with detail bending. Now there is 3 leafy trees (sorry for english btw). There will be more in this week: apple tree, birches, pines, conifiers.
Also I have like 7-8 assets to texture. And there will be even more.
One thing that its struggling me, is terrain. I just cant work with it. But maybe its buggy ? I mean color and specular of terrain, I just cant get terrain look even good.
But anyway, sorry for wall of text. Who reads that, congratulations. its so long, becuase I'll not post almost anything in near 2-2,5 weeks. But In this 2-2,5 Ill be working on things that Im mentioned.
Don't lose the motivation on the witcher fan art, it looks great already! It also kind of reminds me some recent videos of Kingdom Come: Deliverance they provided. Which is a really good comparison too. Keep it up, I love your evolution.
k, guys. Its WIP time. Sorry for long delay, etc,etc. This time will be no wall of text
Its still in WIP, but its closer and closer coming together. I have almost an entire props for enviornment done (I mean vegetation, and rocks). See you soon:
Hope ,no one have wooden internet to load this shit ^^
I would try and add a bit more variation in the thickness of the tall grass. It seems like once it's applied it's applied very thickly. The transition areas should have shorter and less dense grass.
So lads, it is done. Environment finished after far too long, damn it But i need more. And I have big plans, not only for villages, but for keeps, castles, something big as Novigrad. But not for now.
We will se what next few days will bring. Perhaps I need to play some games for a little break.
In the mean time, here you have a tone of screens and a video. Sorry for quality of video but Cryengine starts choking and boiling my PC when I entered FullScreen Mode. So only 720p.
And as for tone of screens Meh, something that big needs big documentation
Video is on very bottom, somewhere on the next page
Hey man.. I'm sry to tell you.. but I instantly spotted it :P
Your trees are not straight.. in your scene they grew according to the terrain underneath, that means rotated.. and I haven't touched cryengine in a while.. but there was an option for that somewhere in the painting tool. As far as I know trees always grow pretty much straight upwards or bent, but never straight and rotated.
really well done.
the composition of all the parts could be a bit more balanced especially the contrast.
some parts have a really dark stone material and some are very bright.
Like your works
And here is first VFX test on SDK: sorry about quality and sound. First time uploaded video, testing.
About normals, yep, they are photo converted, propably gonna sculpt and bake it from HP. For now I want to work on modularity and assets, the I'll go to textures.
Screens from division, sorry for wooden quality of 2nd image.
it's about model ? Or what? I need ideas.
Let's say it's unofficial Witcher 3 fan art
Houses are ready to texture, I need some advices on lightning (links to good tuts or something)and texturing terrain on CE3.
Done for now, have good day.
Keep going doing what you are doing now!
Udpate soon.
Its looks like 50 % of enviro is finished.
Also, take a look at Gutekfiutek's tutorial regarding roofs: http://wiki.polycount.com/ModularMountAndBlade?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Modular_MountBladeMod_02.jpg
EDIT: Also the screeshots seem very pixelated for me, you might consider taking them in high resolution and then scale them down.
Texture for trees is not finished. I just putted color and AO there.
Still Cryengine.
What happened to this scene? was looking forward to it...
And scene from Division will be done, I just need more experience. Trust me.
It was a long time, but lot of things happened. And maybe you will see not much difference. But there is more (hidden
Plan of village was redone 3 times. With WorldMachine. And last time I found concept from Witcher 3, some small village overwiew. So Ill stick with it.
Next: vegetation. Im doing it one more time. I mean 1st vegetation system was very even. With colors, and shapes. I did a grass once again: and its not like what I wondered. So I'll do grass system once, last time.
Trees: I made new trees, with detail bending. Now there is 3 leafy trees (sorry for english btw). There will be more in this week: apple tree, birches, pines, conifiers.
Also I have like 7-8 assets to texture. And there will be even more.
One thing that its struggling me, is terrain. I just cant work with it. But maybe its buggy ? I mean color and specular of terrain, I just cant get terrain look even good.
But anyway, sorry for wall of text. Who reads that, congratulations. its so long, becuase I'll not post almost anything in near 2-2,5 weeks. But In this 2-2,5 Ill be working on things that Im mentioned.
And here you are: few screens of what I got.
True power of environemnts can only be showed by Unreal Engine 4. Which I'll use in future projects. In my opinion.
And yes: Kingdom Come: Delivarance is very big references. They did great job with their game. Cant wait for alpha.
See you soon.
Its still in WIP, but its closer and closer coming together. I have almost an entire props for enviornment done (I mean vegetation, and rocks). See you soon:
Hope ,no one have wooden internet to load this shit ^^
I would try and add a bit more variation in the thickness of the tall grass. It seems like once it's applied it's applied very thickly. The transition areas should have shorter and less dense grass.
We will se what next few days will bring. Perhaps I need to play some games for a little break.
In the mean time, here you have a tone of screens and a video. Sorry for quality of video but Cryengine starts choking and boiling my PC when I entered FullScreen Mode. So only 720p.
And as for tone of screens
Video is on very bottom, somewhere on the next page
Your trees are not straight.. in your scene they grew according to the terrain underneath, that means rotated.. and I haven't touched cryengine in a while.. but there was an option for that somewhere in the painting tool. As far as I know trees always grow pretty much straight upwards or bent, but never straight and rotated.
I really love the rest of it though
Can you show your normal maps & sculpt of the ground on your last scene ??