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WIP The Traveller

polycounter lvl 6
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Vii polycounter lvl 6
Hi guys,

Just started a new project and figured I'd start a thread to keep track of progress. I'm doing this for a demoreel so it's got to look great, all the work I've been doing isn't allowed to be used so I started on this. It'll be the first thing I can actually show. :(

I have started building him in Maya and so far have the model / sculpt for the robe and body underway.

I'll post the concept art too, but I have no real ability to draw, it was just to remember what's in my head.

It's still early stages but feedback thus far is appreciated. I know his feet need fixing.

Polycount 1800 total




  • Vii
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    Vii polycounter lvl 6
    Time for sleep, current progress. Made hair (might redo) and did base texture for body.

  • Vii
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    Vii polycounter lvl 6
    I'd like some feedback if anyone has any. :)

    My design is too simple I think. And the silhouette isn't strong enough. My issue is that I can never come up with detailed designs, not sure why. Might have to go back to the drawing board for a bit.

    Mask is only the base model, belt has no texture. Working on a sword.

  • Vii
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    Vii polycounter lvl 6
    Felt like I needed a clearer, and slightly different concept.

  • Vii
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    Vii polycounter lvl 6
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    He doesn't look like a traveler, more like a warrior.

    You're jumping ahead of yourself I think. Step back to the concept phase and try to define what your character really is about, gather the necessary reference (stuff you don't know what it looks like from memory) and design accordingly.
    Example; if your your character first and foremost is a traveler his clothing and equipment will dictate that a lot. A back-pack or some other container for essential belongings is a must as well as sturdy clothing for the elements, particularly footwear if he travels mostly by foot. Is he homeless or just out for a shorter period of time? That would be very different directions to take him.

    Basically, ask yourself what your character is about and all other aspects within that realm that you can think about. Study any real-world equivalents to the character you have in mind to really make the design believable.
    Also don't worry about details. That's the easy part and it usually gets a lot easier when you have some good forms to put them on. If you have problems, again reference is your friend.
  • Vii
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    Vii polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback. I don't think I'm actually that far off the traveller concept, he'd need to be armed if he lived in a hostile world and that was the intention - and I pushed it a bit over the top as well. In the concept he does have a satchel that I haven't yet modelled and I was thinking about a bag of some sort, he could have it tied to his weapons rack.

    Yep he's been travelling for a LONG time, hence the thin limbs (lack of food), but of course he has defined musculature to some extent because of the fact he's been out so long. Also the ragged clothes are meant to indicate that too.

    I've been using reference from bleach for the tattered robes, the idea for the mask is originally from princess mononoke but of course inspired by bleach also in design. And his overall look is somewhat how I'd imagine a tribal version of yoshimitsu (tekken).

    I think I'll give him a bag in the shape of a cylinder/capsule that hangs from the weapon rack. But honestly the name was just because I needed a thread title and couldn't think of anything better.
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