So I've been messin about with this guy for awhile. Occasionally jumping in and working on during lunches. With some time off I finally managed to just go ahead and finish him! Pretty happy with how he turned out. Theres lots I'd like to change but I gotta put him to bed. Really tried to rethink how I present my pieces too and I think it shows better now too.
Let me know what you guys think!
Concept by Jakub Kasper
And just for kicks, a sketchfab version too. Though the materials are not calibrated for sketchfab, so they look iffy in it.
EmAr- I know what you mean! I was not sure about making it glow but it made it much punchier so I just wanted to stick with it. It took me awhile to decide for sure what I was gonna do about it.
I dunno how to embed this... is it possible?
organizedchaos, the last shadow, shiniku: thanks guys! I was very VERY close to throwing this away several times before finishing, your kind words make me glad i didn't! I'll thank Uly for keeping me on it