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Infinitus Designs recruiting for their new game "Exoletus"

Hello there,

I'm Traslogan, Head Developer at the volunteer dev team "Infinitus Designs".

Currently, we are working on a Zombie Survival Sandbox game called "Exoletus", and currently work on a team of 3 programmers,one texture artist, 3 3D artists, a sound developer, and two level designers.

Firstly, we'll tell you about our game:
Exoletus is a survival sandbox game set in a modern day fictional region, where the player assumes the role of a survivor who must hone his skills and wits in order to scavenge for supplies, meet other survivors, build a place of safety, produce new resources, and of course deal with zombies and hostile survivors. The game will be first person, with 3rd person being an alternative camera that we are currently considering. Over time the player will encounter new issues with their survival, such as losing electricity or water, scavenging supplies will be tougher as the NPC survivors lay claim to what you don't take, and more.

However, we feel we need to increase our work-rate and account for missing positions.
Now, I should emphasise that we are very pro "Learn whilst you work" with our team members, and thus we do not actually require that you know about the position you volunteer for (But if you do, that's nice, and you will be far more likely to get accepted), we only truly ask that you will show commitment to the project.

Thus we are looking for:

3D Modelling
3x standard 3D Modellers - We recently had members of the 3D Modelling team leave, and thus we need people who can join that area of the development-team and continue the work-rate we have maintained so far.
2x Texture Artist - We currently only have one texture artist, but due to the content we hope to implement, we feel two will be necessary in order to ensure higher-quality work that is not rushed. (This Job is the same in 2D as it is in 3D.)
1x 3D Animator - Although we have a good 3D modelling team already, we are currently lacking a good rigger/animator for our characters/creatures etc.

2x 2D Artist - We require a 2D artist to assist in the creation of our GUI, icons (e.g. small thumbnails of items for an inventory/container) and terrain textures. Again, experience is not mandatory, and the workload of the 2D artist will probably be in chunks (aka moderate amounts of work at a time, but gaps between each workload).
1x Concept Artist - To help communicate our ideas to the other developers as our game "Exoletus" progresses through development, we need to be able to communicate a visual image through concept art. That's where a concept artist comes in! The concept artist will be in close communication with the head Developers a lot of the time so they can accurately produce the concept images that are needed.

All positions that can be applied for may be filled by the time you apply. If they are, it will have only recently happened as we try to update this regularly to make sure we don't attract applicants who will only waste their time and feel dissapointed.

It should be noted that we hope that one day our project will be commercial, and when it is, I hope I will be able to offer a pay to all staff. However until then, everything is a volunteer's job.

As mentioned, we do expect a level of commitment to the project, but please do not take this as it meaning it will consume your every last minute of spare time (unless you want it to!). I'd hope we will be able to find a pace of development where the workload does not outpace the the developers at any point.

For applying for any of the roles:

Please email "jim-g_101@hotmail.co.uk" with an application. Alternatively you can also add "Traslogan" on Skype with the same email, but please leave a small sentence saying that you are adding him because of this advertisement. Please do not search for that email on facebook, as we will not accept friend requests there. You can also apply via our official facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/InfiDesigns)

Your application should include:

1.Your name (username will do if you feel uncomfortable opening such facts at the time of the application)
2.What position you are applying for
3. Any background experience you have, if any (Folios as well!)
4. Why you want to join us.

As a note, we may not respond within 24 hours if we are waiting for other potential applicants for a similar position, so that we have a wider choice of options (and so that future applicants aren't applying for nothing).

We look forward to hearing from potential applicants!
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