Hey guys, I've been working on this Dwarven character for my portfolio and I'm just looking for some feedback regarding the general proportions of the body. It's my first attempt at making something super-deformed like this and would like to get some fresh eyes on it if possible. I'm yet to start work on the head - want to get the basic gesture of the body right before I worry about that, so any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

Nevertheless ive made some adjustments and some more feedback on the anatomy would be really useful, or on anything else you would care to mention.
I think you should play about with the basic forms a bit more. I feel that he should have a bigger gut, broader shoulders, and his legs and bottom should be lengthened slightly.
Personally I feel fantasy creatures can look a lot more visually interesting when you really push the style of it and add visual flair instead of making them too "realistic" in proportion. Check out this concept by Matt Rhodes http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/14800000/Humans-Elves-Dwarves-Qunari-concept-art-dragon-age-origins-14855999-1920-1080.jpg
Hope that helps.